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Complete France Forum

Sharp Practice on Living France?

Sunday Driver

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In a moment of boredom whilst waiting for a large file to download, I clicked on one of the ads shown alongside this forum index.

Its www.dlswop.com and for only £299 it offers to obtain an exchange EU licence for you.  You could swop your UK licence for one from Germany, Hungary...in fact any EU country. 

They stress that this is completely legal, which it is, of course, though why any normal person would pay that sort of fee to do something they could do themselves easily, and for free.

However, when you look at their site in detail, they mention the difficulties that some countries have in interpreting your UK points tally so that they are left off the new licence.

They also suggest that you can avoid UK speeding convictions by taking your licence out of the UK jurisdiction. 

They even offer the facility to have the new licence in any name you choose.

If you have mislaid your UK licence and don't have a record of its number (in other words, you don't have one or have been banned), they can obtain a temporary licence in a "donor" country which can subsequently be exchanged for a permanent one  in another country.

They claim they're inside the law by stating that they merely act as agents.  Nevertheless, I reckon its close to encitement or conspiracy.

No doubt Living France magazine make a charge for these ads, so I wonder what sort of checks were carried out to ensure the website contect was suitable?

Any comments from our forum administrators?


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I had not noticed the advert until it was mentioned, as a point of principle I avoid adverts such as those on the side of forums etc.

I emailed the advertisers to ask a number of questions:

If I had claimed an extra entitlement, eg a HGV class 1, and subsequently had an accident driving such a vehicle, would I be covered by insurance or not.

If I would need to send a medical every 5 years to renew my current HGV licence as in the UK or France.

If the new host country would not tell the DVLA that I had taken out a licence in their country and compare entitlements etc and thus cancel my UK licence, as with a car re-registered in France.

To date I have had no reply to my enquiries, if i do I shall post it here.

On the face of it, what they offer might be within the letter of the law, but I have grave doubts if it is fully legal, particularly after you have had an accident which just happened to wipe out a bus queue for example.

However S D , I feel that to ask for a response from the forum administrators is not fair, surely they have no control over adverts, it is the site owners who need to make any comment

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Surely the forum admin. have control over adverts-if not we could be allowing disreputable companies and perhaps pornography to be sold on what people generally believe to be a respectable forum for those who wish to live in france and get some advice and not that telling you how to break the laws.
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[:@]Surely the forum admin. have control over adverts-if not we could be allowing disreputable companies and perhaps pornography to be sold on what people generally believe to be a respectable forum for those who wish to live in france and get some advice and not that telling you how to break the laws.
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[quote user="Ab"][:@]Surely the forum admin. have control over adverts-if not we could be allowing disreputable companies and perhaps pornography to be sold on what people generally believe to be a respectable forum for those who wish to live in france and get some advice and not that telling you how to break the laws.[/quote]

Moderators Hat ON

The moderators are normal forum members who give their time free of charge to moderate the Forum. Forum Admin is a member of the Living France staff but is not responcible for their advertising policy as older members will know having been down this road before. So basically those of us that administer and moderate the forum have no control over the website and it's advertisng policy in which the forum resides. If you feel that you have a problem with any of the advertising on this website or wish to make any comment in general then you will find the contacts page http://www.livingfrance.com/lvfra/content/contactUs.asp is the place to go.

Moderators Hat OFF

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Actually further checking shows that these ads do come from google which gives a very broad range of control over what you get to advertise but it is all controlled by google and not the website on which the adverts appear. To clarify this, I have google ads on my website, it boosts my ranking. I have told it (google) not to put adverts for B&B's in Aude in the ads as that would mean I am advertising my competitors.
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Thanks, Quillan

My original post was intended to draw the attention of the forum administration to this advert.  Given that this forum appears to be a section of Living France Magazine (LF branding and all that), I would have imagined the admin to be a suitable conduit to pass on our concerns.

Of course, I realise that its the moderators who do all the real work on here.....[;)]

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