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Missing BMWs


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BMWs seem to be a common target at the moment.

Neighbour next-but-one got his nicked from outside the house a couple of nights ago. 

Woman in next village got out of hers to open her garage door, bloke got in and drove off, waving to her as he did so.   Of course, she didn't get insurance, because the car wasn't protected in any way when it was stolen.  We had a thread on this happening in England, didn't we, and everyone poo-poohed it?   Moral is - if this happens to you and there are no witnesses, LIE!!!!

Lots more tales.  Some of the BMWs are just for joyrides, some get taken to Eastern Europe to be sold on. 


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Its still happening then, 15 years on inthe south of France. My brother's friend and his wife drove down to north of Marseille for a holiday back then and had theirs nicked less than an hour after they arrived in a small village for the night. I believe a lot of them end up overseas probably in eastern europe. When we lived in the UK, a group of asian men took delivery of new models on HP one by one from the local dealer and one by one they ended up being driven across europe to the east and that was the last anyone heard of them andthe cars. I don't think they would bother round here, they are older than Cain Dingle's one on Emmerdale currently,but Mercedes abound.
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[quote user="SaligoBay"]

BMWs seem to be a common target at the moment.

Neighbour next-but-one got his nicked from outside the house a couple of nights ago. 

Woman in next village got out of hers to open her garage door, bloke

got in and drove off, waving to her as he did so.   Of

course, she didn't get insurance, because the car wasn't protected in

any way when it was stolen.  We had a thread on this happening in

England, didn't we, and everyone poo-poohed it?   Moral is -

if this happens to you and there are no witnesses, LIE!!!!

Lots more tales.  Some of the BMWs are just for joyrides, some get taken to Eastern Europe to be sold on. 



BMWs have been a common target for years. The UK an Ireland suffer less

(though are by no means exempt) from luxury car laundering because of a

marvelous deterent device called "right hand drive" which make them

very difficult to sell on in Eastern Europe. Further East, however,

people are a lot less fussy. Not so long ago in Kazhstan, many of 

the "business" men we were meeting with had RHD BMWs or Mercs, some

even had the original dealers window stickers in place. Emboldened by a

couple of snorts, I asked a couple of unshaven mafioso types whether

they knew that they were almost certainly nicked. Oh yes they did - but

it was OK because in Europe we were all so rich we could afford it,

and, besides, they were insured. I wanted to continue my lesson in

basic economics, but my collegues started to get a bit windy.

On the other hand, have you noticed how few cars have their windows

stoved by low lifes seeking to nick the radio? Making most of them

model specific and part og the dashboard seems to have been quite a

bright idea.

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Doubt they'd nick mine at the moment. [:(]

I was following an artic last night in the dark (safe distance behind, I might add!) when he suddenly swerved.  Next thing was, his rear wheels spat out a truck tyre carcasse straight into my path.  Result was a badly scuffed front bumper, torn off air dam and a missing foglamp - god knows where that went! The tyre wasn't one of his, by the way.

Being a BMW, it'll be expensive to repair, I imagine.....

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