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Renewing a UK driving licence from France!


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There comes a time in everyones life when ones driving licence is expiring and he is at the fragile age when questions are asked about his fitness and ability to drive!

I am aware that switching to a French licence is an alternative, but this document, at my age, bars me from driving a vehicle in the UK! So I was wondering if it is at all possible to renew my ailing UK licence from here in France, even though I may have to be certified by a French doctor, to be fit and able to drive safely!

The question I would like to raise is, would the UK authorities accept a French doctors note to my medical fitness? Has anyone had any experience of this situation? I would like to hear from you!


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I mentioned the fact several tims before on this forum that an english chap we know and who has been living in France for 20 years or more decided to go for a french licence just before his 65th birthday so he could continue to drive for ever and ever etc and not have to face the UK age limit. However, when the french licence arrived, it was marked very clearly that he was not permitted to drive anywhere else other than in France and definately not in the UK. He didn't bother to ask the prefecture why because he never goes back anyway, but it was still a shock to discover this.
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[quote user="Val_2"]However, when the french licence arrived, it was marked very clearly that he was not permitted to drive anywhere else other than in France and definately not in the UK. He didn't bother to ask the prefecture why because he never goes back anyway, but it was still a shock to discover this.[/quote]

Strange situation.  Any licence issued by an EU state is valid for driving in any other EU state.  I don't understand why this restriction was imposed - I can't find any reference to it on any french legal site.  Perhaps it was an error on the licence?

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It appears that if you switch to a French licence and you are over 70, it is clearly marked that it is not valid in any other country other than France. You would think that they would encourage you to drive outside of France to lessen the risk to their own drivers!

 I think that is a fact that you must have an address in the UK to renew an existing UK licence!


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[quote user="Lautrec"]

Thanks LaBucherie. Hope you are right. Will check it out!


[/quote]Please update us all when you do.  I have been driving on a South African licence but they expire every 5 years (someone inportant has the contract for supplying them I think) and so now I am on an old green UK one which will expire in a couple of years so I must do something soonish.


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[quote user="Lautrec"]

The question I would like to raise is, would the UK authorities accept a French doctors note to my medical fitness? Has anyone had any experience of this situation? I would like to hear from you!



Unless the rules have changed recently, AFAIK you do not have to have a doctors note to renew your UK driving licence over a certain age (70 I think).  You simply sign the form to say that you are fit, unless of course you do have something that makes you perhaps borderline for fitness.  No personal experience but my mum and dad were doing this into their 80s.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Referring to all the past postings, I don't think it would not have been possible to renew my UK licence from here without getting a UK doctors note to send with the application and using a UK address on your licence that was not your own! It would not bear examination by the local police.

However, I have now reached a favourable conclusion and exchanged my UK licence with the French counterpart. It was so easy to do!.

Travelled the 20 kms to Confolen and went into the Sous Prefecture, which is situated on the riverside. My wife and I were the only people  waiting to be served, which was prompt and efficient. Handed over the UK licence with two photos, utility bill, showed my passport and signed a form which was completed by the assistant. Only one snag, they do not accept passport pics that have been processed on the computer and so we went up the road to the nearby Intermarche store and made use of their photo booth. Back to the Prefecture; handed over the pics together with an SAE and lo and behold, three days later the new document was popped into our boite de poste.

There is nothing on the new licence which prevents me using it outside of France and cost was Eur25!

 It was much easier than I thought!



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Lautrec - why was the cost 25€  or was that including the travel?  When I exchanged my UK driving licence (prefecture Quimper) this year there was no charge. All it cost me was 3€ for photos from the booth in Intermarche.  Like you my licence came in the post within the week.


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