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No Europeen


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i have posted my 'demande d'identification' to DRIRE and it has been returned with a note 'pour le vehicule de 1998 vous devez avoir un no europeen' (ex: e1 *.......) - does anyone know how i can find this? - have spoken to the manufacture and the only help i got was to say i could buy a semi certificate de conformity from them for 157 euros - but after seeing the thread about doing this through DRIRE, especially as we have 2 vehicles to import, would prefer to keep the cost down.  If anyone could help it would be much appreciated.

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If you look under the bonnet, you'll find a thin metal constructor plate rivetted to the bodywork (on my Corsa it was on the front panel just next to the bonnet catch lock).  You'll recognise it because it looks identical to the diagram of the constructor plate on the DRIRE demande d'identification that you should have filled in [;-)]

The e1*........ number is the european type approval number.  The plate also shows the VIN number and the vehicle weights.

I hope you gave the finger to the manufacturer for their helpful offer........



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Thanks for your replies but I still can't find them.  My car is 1995 and only has the chasis number and weights on the plate.  My husband's car is an import from Germany and the first number on the plate only has 7 digits, whilst the form has 14 spaces for numbers starting with E1*... would this be the number to use in his case?  Have looked everywhere else in car and can't find anything that relates.  We have a German certificate of conformity (also in French) that the Sous Prefecture would not accept - this has a construction plate number on it - do you think this would be the same? 

Again, any advise would be very appreciated as it's all getting very frustrating.

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My car is 1996 and I think (not positive - someone on here will know for sure) that was the first year of the e* number; so if one of your cars is 1995 it might not have that number at all.

Also these id plates can be found just about anywhere: under driver's seat, on door pillar, inside front windowscreen and sometimes there is more than one - so keep looking.


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In your first post, you said the car was a 1998, but now you say it is a 1995. 

Sue is right - 1996 was the year that EC whole vehicle type approval was introduced and cars manufacturered since that date have pan european type approval valid for all EU states under their e1*----- number.  Because you'd told the DRIRE it was a 1998 car, this is what they were asking for.

If your car was manufacturered prior to 1996, and if it was commercially imported into France, it will have received French national type approval.  You'll need to submit a fresh demand d'identification with the correct date of "mise en circulation".

Same applies to the german car.  I would have thought the certificate of conformity would have been OK.  Its worth checking with your prefecture because the sous prefecture don't actually process the registrations - they just send on the forms on your behalf.


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