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How to find my local DRIRE office?


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After receiving help here regarding registering my car in France, I need to find my local DRIRE office to send the demande d'identification to. I live in Nivillac (56130), but I am sending it from the uk and an internet search has not helped. My French is not good enough to ring the DRIRE to ask!

Anyone know either; which office it will be or how to find out?

Thanks very much - in advance. Regards, Howard.
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Go to www.drire.gouv.fr, then click on your region.

In your case it is Bretagne, so when the Bretagne page comes up click on Organisation, this will give you a page where you can click on 'Antennes vehicules' for your departement. For 56 you get details of your Antenne Vehicule which is in Lorient. There is a map too.
Direction Régionale de l’Industrie de la Recherche et de l’Environnement
Subdivisions du Morbihan
34, rue Jules Legrand  56100 LORIENT

Téléphone : 02 97 8419 20 - Télécopie : 02 97 21 31 72

Edit - Beryl posted while I was finding it, fortunately we agree. There will be several DRIRE offices in any dept, but generally only one deals with vehicle registration matters.

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Beryl, Will: Thank you both very much. And so quick too! I certainly appreciate it.

I don't suppose you can advise whether I have to send a cheque for 67,38 euros along with the demande d'identification, can you? If so, is it just made out to DRIRE?

Thanks so much.
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[quote user="Howie"]Beryl, Will: Thank you both very much. And so quick too! I certainly appreciate it.

I don't suppose you can advise whether I have to send a cheque for 67,38 euros along with the demande d'identification, can you? If so, is it just made out to DRIRE?

Thanks so much.[/quote]

The cheque should be made out to M. le Régisseur de la Drire.

Don't forget to send a complete set of photocopies of all the documents along with the originals, and a large self addressed stamped envelope for them to return them all to you.


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Hello again.

Now I AM confused! According to the information I have, - to get an attestation d'identite, all I need to send is the demande d'identification form with all the relevant bits of technical stuff filled-in.

I'm not sure what other documents need to be sent, - or why I need photocopies of them too? I'm a bit nervous of sending any original documents in the post.

Do I really need more than just the completed form and a cheque - in order to get an attestation d'identite?
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[quote user="Howie"]Hello again.

Now I AM confused! According to the information I have, - to get an attestation d'identite, all I need to send is the demande d'identification form with all the relevant bits of technical stuff filled-in.

I'm not sure what other documents need to be sent, - or why I need photocopies of them too? I'm a bit nervous of sending any original documents in the post.

Do I really need more than just the completed form and a cheque - in order to get an attestation d'identite?[/quote]


I've done this 3 times.  As always in France you need to send a dossier.  This should consist of the old registration document, an "attestation" of VAT paid in the country of origin, a current Controle Technique (if the car is 4 years old or more) and, in the case of most recent cars, a Certificat de Conformite.  These should be sent, with a full set of photocopies, along with the completed Demande d'Identification, a cheque, and the return adressed and stamped envelope.

If there is a simpler way, I have yet to find it.


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Ahh. OK. - Sorry to have appeared a bit foolish. Appreciate the information.

I would have happily just sent the form and only expected to produce all other documents to my local prefecture!

Thanks very much. I'll copy my V5, get a new CT and the VAT form before I attempt to get my attestation d'identite.

Thanks very much.

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Thanks Sunday Driver.

The problem I have is that, although the form at


.. has english instructions, the sheet giving the list of documents is in French and I cannot understand it. Could you possibly tell me exactly what I need to send? Sorry for being thick - but my French reading skills are much worse than my oral ones.

Thanks, Howard.
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H - you need to send them the following:

- demande d'identification (application form)

- V5C registration document (original plus a photocopy)

- cheque for 67,38 euros made out to Régisseur des Recettes de la DRIRE

- large stamped self addressed envelope

When completing the demande, make sure you enter the e1*--------- number which is on the small constructor's plate under the bonnet. You'll recognise the plate because its identical to the diagram on the demande.  This is the type approval number that they'll need to look up on their database.

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Thanks again Sunday Driver. I note your comments regarding the "e" number; however, this car hasn't got one! It only has the VF number, - followed by the weight limits in KGs'.

I have checked the old CT documents and it isn't shown on them either, shall I just send it with the numbers I have?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, I got the Attestation with just the V5 and the application form. Unfortunately, my local CT station couldn't fit me in until after I returned to the UK, so the final stages won't be completed for another 6 weeks - which is the earliest I can get back to France.

Thanks again for all help here. H.

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