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V5C/No export cert.

Nick Trollope

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Hello all

I recently bought a van in the UK and completed the V5C and export section, which the seller sent to DVLA.

The DVLA has returned the V5C (most of it, anyway), to me with a letter saying that they no longer issue export certs, nor (as we already know) can they issue a V5C to a foreign address.

Problem is, my local Prefecture suggests that, because the V5C is not in my name, they cannot accept it for re-registration.

Who is right/help!


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Problem is, they will have now logged the van as exported, so to register it now in your name at an accommodation address you'd (theoretically) have to import it first!

The prefecture may accept the supporting letter from the DVLA, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Suggest you phone the DVLA, explain the situation, and ask them for their advice.  They're usually quite helpful

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No, I'm afraid both the DVLA and the Prefecture are correct. It's a bit of a catch 22 !

The only legal options would be:

a) re-import into the UK and register at UK address (trouble is, you will need a new uk mot and uk insurance to do this)

b) get the vendor to register the car in France in his or her name and then deal with it as a sale/change of ownership but this will cost two lots of registration charges.

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Reimporting it into the UK isn't practical (not UK Insurance, no address), nor is registering it there (no address, no Insurance). MOT is new (about 10 days). Previous owner unlikely to be interested in registering it here (no address, no insurance...)

I called DVLA again, and spoke to someone else who was suprisingly helpful she suggested that I wrote to them, which I have done. I shall let you know what happens!

BTW, did you know that DVLA males £2M per year from their 0870 telephone lines? Criminal. However, I have discovered their switchboard telephone number (+441792782341), which is good for those of us with free calls to UK landlines... And it saves us lining HMG's pockets any more than necessary.

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Yes, of course what you had originally told the DVLA was that the Vendor had exported the vehicle. What should have happened was that he should have sold it to you in the UK, then you subsequently export it.

Well, a lesson for us all.

Best of luck with the letter writing. You may be asked to prove that you bought the vehicle though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So, I wrote to DVLA and on Saturday I received a reply, saying that they do not issue export certificates. In fact, it was the same letter that I received before, with "I'm sorry that I can't assist you further" added to the bottom.

So, I rang them (on +441792782341) and pointed out my problem, spoke to the export department, who told me that they do still issue export certificates, but, it would appear that they can't be bothered! It appears that all the security checks they must undertake involve lots of work.. They promised me a certificate within 3 weeks.


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