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Scrapping cars in France


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One or two English mechanics have said that I'll have extreme difficulty scapping a petrol-engined car in France (diesel culture), and that most Brits they know tuck them away in a barn.

Before I waste any time hunting for a scrapyard, has anyone else heard of this? It does seem a bit bizarre. [B]

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You can scrap all cars here in France, try the local auto caisse or even a local garagiste may be interested for spare bits and pieces. What you must do however, if it is french insured, is to get a certificate to say it has been scrapped so that you can stop the insurance and if anything crops up at a later date to do with the vehicle you have the proof it was scrapped. Take no notice of english mechanics, sounds like sour grapes to me. As for diesel culture, not true as the local Citroen dealer is always asking me to think about selling my petrol car back to them as they have customers looking for second hand petrol vehicles in that particular type.
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You can get the forms to send your car to the breakers from the Maire.

They can tell you where to send them i.e. Prefecture / Sous Prefecture.

You can haggle with the garage whether he pays you, or you pay him!

(It cost me €35 to empty the fluids and €40 for transport to la caisse, he no longer had clients with this car)

You also fill out your ‘carte grise’, and give to the relevant parties. I hope the garage buys the car from you - better in every way !

Best of  luck !


Le visiteur

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