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i posted earlier about spending time in the motor industry. part of that time was spent testing run flat tyres. it was interesting to be on a test track, driving at speeds varying from 50 mph to 120 mph, and someone blowing out one of your tyres. it was even more interesting when they blew out two at the same time.

even though i was in one of the safest production cars, on a track, it was still a hair raising experience.

the thing is, i knew that it was going to happen. on the public road you don't have that luxury. when i'm driving now, and maybe in a hurry to get somewhere, if i think back to those tyre tests my foot always eases off the accelerator.

i said before that if you feel the need for speed, do it on a track. there are loads of track days available and the best bit is you can see how good you really are without endangering other road users.


ps. over the past 25 years i have had some points on my licence for most of them, so i have no holier than thou axe to grind.


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[quote user="Chief"]I think whichever way up you look at it though, speeding is NOT the major cause of death and injury even according to your data.


I don't think anyone has made an argument based on speed being the major cause of death in road accidents.  That's not the issue.

Rather, this debate revolves around the perceived acceptability of speeding and, as the statistics show, speed is a significant factor in accident deaths.  If excessive speed was the most often recorded contributory factor in almost a third of road fatalities, then there has to be a strong argument that says speeding is too risky in terms of potential loss of life on the roads to be acceptable.

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

[quote user="Chief"]I think whichever way up you look at it though, speeding is NOT the major cause of death and injury even according to your data.


I don't think anyone has made an argument based on speed being the major cause of death in road accidents.  That's not the issue.

Rather, this debate revolves around the perceived acceptability of speeding and, as the statistics show, speed is a significant factor in accident deaths.  If excessive speed was the most often recorded contributory factor in almost a third of road fatalities, then there has to be a strong argument that says speeding is too risky in terms of potential loss of life on the roads to be acceptable.


everybody please note....reasoned arguement without insults....at last.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Excessive speed was the most often recorded contributory factor for fatal accidents, being cited in 28 per cent of fatal accidents between 1999 and 2002.

Among the most striking findings is the way excessive speed contributes to a much higher proportion of severe and fatal accidents. This close relationship with accident severity is not observed for any other major contributory factor except alcohol impairment. This would confirm previous research indicating that as well as actually contributing to the occurrence of an accident, excessive speed may be a major factor determining the severity of injuries and likelihood of death.


Another thing about excessive speed is that it is not something that can be attributed as a contributing factor in accidents unless it can be proven (by speed camera, witness statement or driver's own admission).

So, if the 28% of fatal accidents in the UK that could be proven were as a result of speeding, how many more end up being put down to some other cause?  We are never likely to know the true figures. Unlike alcohol, it is not something that can be tested for afterwards. A driver who has killed or fatally injured someone in an accident is hardly going to volunteer the information that he or she was breaking the speed limit at the time, are they?

Between 1999 and 2002, 14,000 people were killed or fatally injured in road accidents in the UK *, so the 28% that were killed by accidents in which excessive speed was a factor add up to around 4,000, or 1,000 each year.

Something to think about, isn't it, for those in the "speed doesn't kill" brigade?

* http://ec.europa.eu/transport/care/statistics/series/fatal1991_actual/index_en.htm


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ali@ards wrote: It's funny - there were no insults until someone popped up & said something along of lines of  "I speed & I don't care"

Cannot recall ever saying 'I don't care' or anyone else saying it, but hey, i guess if you run out of 'Facts' you have to demonise somebody somehow.

Last post from me folks on this subject, as i think things are becoming personal, and to be honest i don't want to get drawn in.  See you all on some other threads.....good luck and be well.


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[quote user="chief"]

ali@ards wrote: It's funny - there were no insults until someone popped up & said something along of lines of  "I speed & I don't care"

Cannot recall ever saying 'I don't care' or anyone else saying it, but hey, i guess if you run out of 'Facts' you have to demonise somebody somehow.

Last post from me folks on this subject, as i think things are becoming personal, and to be honest i don't want to get drawn in.  See you all on some other threads.....good luck and be well.



Would you agree that speeding at 220 kmh on a public road is bloody dangerous and illegal.  It's a simple 'yes or no' question - no government stats required!

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[quote user="chief"]

ali@ards wrote: It's funny - there were no insults until someone popped up & said something along of lines of  "I speed & I don't care"

Cannot recall ever saying 'I don't care' or anyone else saying it, but hey, i guess if you run out of 'Facts' you have to demonise somebody somehow.

Last post from me folks on this subject, as i think things are becoming personal, and to be honest i don't want to get drawn in.  See you all on some other threads.....good luck and be well.



Actually, they have.

I speed When I feel its right to and have done for some 23 years

And almost all the time I go out on the bike I exceed 221kmh

But that is my choice to brake the law and  I enjoy it

But I am one of THEM that decide for them self’s that its ok to


And as for your comments about not getting personal - don't make me laugh.

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Ali - those comments were posted by someone called Mark24, who in the same post, quoted a study paper which indicated that the accident statistics were actually under-reported.  So he was clearly content to deliberately break the law and speed even thought the risks are potentially worse.

Note:  The recent road accident casualty statistics issued by the DfT acknowledge that the figures may be under-reported by up to 2.7 times! So the 28% of deaths which were caused by speeding could actually be 75%.

Time for reflection.....

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Sorry, I  was just trying to point out that someone had said they didn't care - & judging by chiefs comments, he certainly isn't too worried about his own attitude, to the speeding issue. 

I would imagine that the stats, you just quoted, are probably nearer the truth, as well.  Very few one vehicle accidents, involving speeding, are witnessed by anyone else, which would make it impossible to know the true number - so a lot of them must go un-recorded or classified as "speeding deaths".

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If you can manage a reply without the insults and sterotypes, i will happily explain my level of training,

I await with baited breath!

the stupid accidents (2) i had that were definately my fault (No other car or pedestrian involved and both within the speed limit). 

Ahh, skill level and experience - or lack of? 

You finish off with the statement 'Morons' and yet your very mentality in the response you have made is not only adolescent, moronic as well.  IAM course takers, 4X4 Drivers, Saxo Boy Racers,

I do of course refer to those whose arrogance and ignorance of the Road Traffic Act befits the term.

god mate, if your intelligent theres no hope for England or France.

Firstly, I'm not your mate! Secondly, what has football to do with it?

Why not chuck in a few stereotypes about women and blacks, may as well go for the full house.

Strangely enough, women make safer drivers than the male of the species.

Now Mr Chief, back to providing us all with details of your wide level of training. But please don't rush as I must go out shortly in order to assess some professional "Blue Light" drivers.

Oh dear, I've just noted that you have chosen not to offer further comment.

How sad[:(]

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Please take a look at this link it is the whole report http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/rapidpdf/bmj.38883.593831.4Fv1.pdf



It show how The Uk police as a hole are corrupt in reporting the truth .

To try and justify there total miss use of all forms of traffic cramming .

But it’s the same all over the world  


My 1st post was to show you all that not every one confirms to the perfect life you all lead , I stated that I exceed 221kmh most of the time I go out on the bike , well that not the truth and the whole truth if the road conditions are good then I quite often exceed  270kph .

And I did not say that I don’t care ,I do take care where and when I use the speed I do .

I am not in any way trying to show off ,I am just pointing out some of the facts of life ,wouldn’t the world be such boring place if we all did as we were told .  


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Hi all,

    is it time to lay this thread to rest?, I think everyone that wants to has made his/her point and it seems we all just go on having a go at each other. I just think this is one of those where we need to all agree to dis-agree, it's up to 10 pages now and I accept that it is an important and emotive subject but seems to be going nowhere, what do you think? Can we leave it now?

best regards


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