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Serve him right


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ali@ards: what an utter twonk you are!

WHERE in any of my posts do I say that I have no regard for other road users? I GO OUT OF MY WAY to point out that I am NOT ENCOURAGING, NOR CONDONING speeding, (I've said it twice now), what I AM against is the..........................oh fek it, I can't be bothered. You and your like p*ss me off because you don't read posts properly, then start slagging. Go away you silly person.[:@]

Keyboard warriors....don't you just love 'em?

My last post on this subject. if you can't be ar sed to READ posts before slagging someone off, why should I bother trying to educate you?



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I ask again: WHY is it legally OK to drive at 30 mph past a school where the kids are coming out, but NOT OK to do 80 mph on a dry, deserted well lit motorway? Yes, I know, a RESPONSIBLE driver would NOT drive at 30mph past said school, but NO-ONE could be prosecuted for so doing, should they hit a child who ran out. The law is the law, as many of you on here keep reminding me.

Doh!!  I think you'll find it here!!

You educate me!!  Now I know the whole thread was you just having a laugh!!  [:D]

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[quote user="Richard-R"]"Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone" Seems some posters are just more interested in the fact that this guy's got money and an Aston, so want to hang him from the nearest tree. A very nasty British working class attitude.[/quote]


Err, right OK, whatever you say.......[geek]

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[quote user="Richard-R"]"Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone" Seems some posters are just more interested in the fact that this guy's got money and an Aston, so want to hang him from the nearest tree. A very nasty British working class attitude.[/quote]

1. I don't speed

2. I don't know what anyone on this forum drives (except Tresco - 'cos I've met her!)

3. I drive an Alfa GTV - because she looks damn good - not for the power

4. I'm not working class - in fact I don't even work!! [:-))]

5. Anyone who moans about speed cameras so much - must have a reason.  Methinks he doth protest too much!!

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June 24 2006
Police figures incorrect

   A study by Oxford University and the South East Regional Public Health Group in Guilford has clashed with police figures concerning serious injuries caused by road crashes.

   Recent figures produced by the police have shown a drop of nearly a third of road accident injuries, however the study collecting data from hospital statistics has shown no significant changes since 1996.

   Lead researcher Dr Mike Gill said, “The discrepancies are likely to be down to under-reporting of accidents to police” however Gill does call for the government to look at the hospitals information rather than police stats.

The governments aim to reduce road deaths and injuries by 40% appear to be well off track and according to Paul Smith, founder of the Safe Speed road safety campaign, speed cameras are at the centre of this failure to reach targets.

   “"The government measure road safety and sets targets in 'KSI' - Killed and seriously injured. The new data shows no improvement at all in KSI, despite the proliferation of speed cameras and lower speed limits. Clearly these measures are not delivering the safety improvements claimed and promised”.

I speed When I feel its right to and have done for some 23 years

And almost all the time I go out on the bike I exceed 221kmh

But that is my choice to brake the law and  I enjoy it

But I am one of THEM that decide for them self’s that its ok to


And have never had any points on my license


(just my 2 centimes worth)  


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I speed When I feel its right to and have done for some 23 years

And almost all the time I go out on the bike I exceed 221kmh

But that is my choice to brake the law and  I enjoy it

But I am one of THEM that decide for them self’s that its ok to


You must be so proud of yourself!!  What a guy!!

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hey ali he sounds like that guy who says "yeah i drink 15 pints a night and as long as im not hurting any one i can drive home. its my buisness"

buggar the people who have to clean up his mess after hes killed himself and others.

There are some people out there who just dont see past there own noses, still least we arnt married to them ......................

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How about........ Theres a lot more cars on the road in 2006 than there were in 1996 so it could be argued that the introduction of speed cameras and radar traps have helped maintain this level when it might well have gone up had they not introduced them.

Before I jump the gun here does this chap on a bike drive at 200 kph+ on a public road?

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1. I don't speed

2. I don't know what anyone on this forum drives (except Tresco - 'cos I've met her!)

3. I drive an Alfa GTV - because she looks damn good - not for the power

4. I'm not working class - in fact I don't even work!! [:-))]

5. Anyone who moans about speed cameras so much - must have a reason.  Methinks he doth protest too much!!


So you have never gone 1kmp/mph over the posted speed limit????????
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It's really nice to hear that all (nearly all) of you here are law abiding when it comes to the law & speeding in particular, there have been refrences to the mad French drivers but there is a very nice stretch of road here that I drive regularly to work and the speed limit is 90 kms and most of the time because it is a windy road I drive at around 80 kms. The majority of cars/vans that come screaming up behind me are UK registered, 4 x 4's, BMW's, Mercs....now don't for one minute think that I have a downer on people driving nice cars but the point I am trying to make is that "does speed/risk taking increase with the type of car you are driving" and do UK drivers over here either on holiday or visiting their Maison Secondaire get out on these lovely quiet roads and just let themselves go, by the way sometimes I do drive the same stretch of road at around 100 kms but that is uasually dependant on the music playing on the CD at the time...does this have an effect too? Does it make me a bad person? Just a thought.[;-)]



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What some people are trying to do here is make a false association, mostly the relativistic fallacy that something which is true for other people is not true for them. Other people may be a danger at speed, but they are OK because they have some extra qualities or skills that the rest of us do not possess. Other are presenting special pleading, which is similar.

We also have the appeal to common practice - if a lot of people do it, it must be allright. No. Wrong.

Richard compares someone travelling at 1kph above the limit with someone travelling at 100kph over. In the sense that both are breaking the law, that is a valid statement. But, of course, it isn't the point. At 111kph I am still in control, at 221kph I'm not. I may be in control of my vehicle (that is questionable) but I'm not in control of other factors.

My car is designed to brake safely from about 150kph, not 200kph. My tyres are rated 150kph, not 200. My eyesight, my reactions - so on. I would want to see some proof that anyone riding a motor bike on open roads at 220kph has the skills necessary to keep other people safe. He has the right to commit suicide, of course, but not to endanger other people by his actions.

If they were professional racing drivers, fine, but the messages we have seen, the little dummyspits and silly false 'logic' (not to mention the spelling) all suggest to me that the speed proponents are not fully mature men.

OK 'boys', do your best. Now it's time for the Ad Hominem argument. Try not to make any old jokes about my name, though...

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I think the point here is that most of us 'speed' like doing 60 in a 50(kph) zone from time to time and perhaps doing a 140/150 on the autoroute late a night when nobody is around. What I object to is people that drive much faster than this (200kph+) because they think they are good drivers, is there such a thing as a certificate that says 'Your a safe driver and you can ignore the speed limit' I don't think so. Who says they are good drivers?

As for Brits speeding (in France) well yes they do but no more so than the French. We have a bit of road through our local gorge. The French mentality is, dashed white line you can overtake, solid line you can't (although some ingnore this), no white line at all and you can do what you like even on blind bends (the road is classed as being to narrow to put a line down). I would say we have around 8 or 9 deaths in the gorge each year. The main reason is that lorries coming from Perpignan have to drive on the wrong side to get under the rock overhang. Most of the casualties are motor bikes who go hacking through and never think they might meet a lorry on their side of the road coming towards them. My biggest problem is people driving too close, many French driver 'tailgate', well in our area they do and it really anoys me.

I also agree with the statement that driving to slow causes accidents because it entices people to take risks in overtaking that they would not normally take. I've towed a caravan and I have no problem with pulling over and letting people pass when I see 5 or 6 cars 'stacked' behind me it's a shame that some other caravaners don't and we all get tared with the same brush.

Dick - We posted seconds apart and I have to say I am in absolute total agreement with you, spot on as they say.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]

If they were professional racing drivers, fine, but the messages we have seen, the little dummyspits and silly false 'logic' (not to mention the spelling) all suggest to me that the speed proponents are not fully mature men.

OK 'boys', do your best. Now it's time for the Ad Hominem argument. Try not to make any old jokes about my name, though...


Hi Dick,

      can we know who exactly you are referring to in the above statement? As I have no idea at all what Ad Hominem means I do not know if I am falling into the category of 'boys'.  I make spelling mistakes but they are usually typos, sorry if it offends you. [:D]

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Not you, Dago.

An ad hominem argument is one in which you attack the man and not his argument.

I understand the difference between typos and the others. Typos are inoffensive, but at least one post here contains spellings which are just - well, no other way of saying it - plain immature.

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My car is designed to brake safely from about 150kph, not 200kph. My tyres are rated 150kph, not 200.

Hi Dick

I don`t know what you are saying here

Your car must be designed to brake safely from its maximum speed, your tyres must be rated at above your maximum speed.

I`m not saying that you should drive at 200 kph but if you have a car that is capable of that speed  then everything  on that car must be capable of more than that speed (except the driver)

It takes 3000 bolts to put a car together but only one nut to take it apart

regards colin

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If Mark24's 24 means he's in Dept 24, would he please let me know where in 24 he lives and when he's likely to be on the road showing off on his boy's toy because I live in the same Dept and don't want to be on the road while he's playing with his and other people's lives.

Makes me wonder why people - no, men - have to brag about the speed and size of their cars/motor bikes etc, makes you wonder which of their personal bits (apart from their brains Dick) aren't up to scratch.

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