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Petrol in Diesel car fuel tank.

Le 47

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I made a big? mistake yesterday when I put about 7 litres of unleaed petrol in my diesel engined car   !

Having noticed that I continued to fill the tank with the normal gazole. The result is a 50 litre tank now consists of about 43 litres of gazole and 7 litres of unleaded petrol - therefore a 15% level of diesel/gazole.  The engine runs OK and I drove it a short distance home. I had it in mind  that my diesel van's handbook suggests adding 10% petrol to the diesel in cold weather conditions.

I am wary of using the car because of risk of damage.Is there a real risk and should I siphon out the fuel or is is going to be OK.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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It depend on whether you have a modern common rail (Hdi ) engine or the older low pressure type. If it is the modern type you will cause accelerated damage to the pumps etc , if it is the older type then you will probably be OK. It used to be a common thing to add petrol during the winter to thin the diesel when things got cold, not a good idea nowadays.





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