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Driving a tractor on a public road


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I have a couple of acres about 2 miles away on a very, very, minor road that needs cutting occasionly.

I have had an arrangement for this, but the person that does it has an injury so now it's down to me.

My neighbour tells me it's okay to drive my unregistered tractor on the public road, provided it's insured and displays a flashing orange light.

Seems strange for such a bureaucratic country!

Would the gendarmes share this view?

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Legally speaking, your neighbour is incorrect.

Tractors do need to be registered for use on the public road.

There are two methods:

Registration under the serial number of a farm.  Up to five tractors can be registered on the same plate. This has advantages in that it qualifies the owner to use tax free (red) diesel.  It also means that multiple vehicles can be insured collectively under one policy, therefore cheaper than taking out individual policies.

Registration under the name of the individual owner.  Rights are the same as any ordinary car owner.  Only allowed to use full price diesel and need a single insurance policy.

I would be inclined not to potentially queer any pitch for your neighbour by speaking to the Gendarmes.

Now, given the remoteness of your field......[;-)] 


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A friend hired a Case digger from a local agricultural dealer; no plates, no carnet d'assurance, and running on red diesel. The owner assured us it was fine to drive it about 6 kms down the Route Nationale, through the town (and back again).

And no deposit was asked, not even  signature!

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Hi All, maybee this is a tad crazey, but im thinking of driving a JCB type digger loader from the ferry port at Roscof down to dept 12 Aveyron, it takes me about 16 hours in me truck with a big trailer so me thinks maybe 27 hours, i reckon itll be a larf, we got the flashing beacon and the flask of tea,  wouldent have thought there would be much of a problem with driving on the road, unless you have a car atatched to the front bucket. Reckon it might make a good charity event,  also could do gues the fuel consumtion, €1 a guess, the winner gets to drive the digger back to England, hummmmm, ok im off,   chow all    mark
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Thanks for the replies/suggestions.

Grass isn't too bad at the moment, but will require some action before end of October.

If I register my tractor for the road will it involve CT etc. the same as a car?

It has headlights and indicators that don't work!

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