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Help! Living in Aude, re-registering in Perpignan

April Rivers

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Hello, I hope someone may be able to help me.

I am trying to re-register my car, I followed the advice given on the forum (which has been so helpful, otherwise I wouldn't have known where to start) but now it seems administraion has got in the way.

I'll explain.  My car was orginally made in Belgium (so it's LHD) and was brought over to the UK by the previous owners and registered as a British car (with UK plates and a V5C).  When I knew I was definitely moving to France I wanted to buy a LHD car and do a part exchange on my old RHD one (this is the reason I didn't buy a car when I arrived in France).

Anyway, this doesn't seem to be a problem I just thought I'd give some background!

I went to the Sous-Prefecture in Limoux (they were very helpful), they gave me all the forms, said I didn't need a certificate of conformity, told me to get a CT done (which I did) and take the forms to my local mairie who would send it all off.

Fine so far, except, when I went to the mairie, the woman there told me I didn't need to send my V5C (to which I said I did but she was having none of it) then sent my forms off to Carcassonne.  Two days later I got these forms back in the post from the DRIRE at Carcassonne with a note saying that they should be sent to an address in Perpignan.  I thought this was a bit strange because it's a different department.

So, I went back to mairie, explained that my immactriculation forms had been returned and asked why it needed to be sent to Perpignan.  She just shrugged her shoulders and said 'Oh, it's not Carcassonne then'.

This was my first mistake, I didn't keep a copy of the address in Perpignan (the woman at the mairie sent it all off again for me).

Yesterday, I had a ansaphone message from this place at Perpignan (of course) saying that I need to send my V5C to them otherwise they could not process my application.  My second mistake (and biggest) was deleting the message instead of saving it before I'd written down where this person was calling from, what their name was or their phone number.

So, back to the mairie.  Helpful as ever, they hadn't got a clue where this person might have called from in Perpignan and said to me again 'Perpignan, are you sure it wasn't Carcassonne?'

So now I'm really stuck.  I don't just want to send my V5C off to a random DRIRE office (if that's who it was calling) in another department, I might never see it again.

I just do not know what to do, any suggestions?



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Seems the problem has been due to involving your local Mairie who clearly don't understand the DRIRE requirements (and you can't expect them to, really). 

She sent your demande d'identification (request for type approval attestation) to the correct DRIRE office at Carcassonne but she didn't include the vital V5C.  For some reason (computer system down, perhaps or staff on holiday?) Carcassonne returned the dossier to you and asked you to send it to DRIRE Perpignan - Carcassonne and Perpignan DRIREs jointly cover the two departments of Aude and PO.  Perpignan have received your dossier and now need your missing V5C to correctly identify your vehicle.

To make absolutely sure that it's the DRIRE Perpignan who have contacted you, phone them first to make sure they have your demand d'identification dossier.  Then you can happily send them the V5C.

Their number is: 04 68 06 15 00.

Their address is:   Immeuble Kennedy, 7 rue Mariotte, 66100 PERPIGNAN

When you receive your DRIRE attestation, you can take your completed dossier back to the Limoux sous-prefecture.  The registration will probably be processed by the prefecture at Carcassonne who will post the new carte grise out to you.


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[quote user="April Rivers"]

I went to the Sous-Prefecture in Limoux (they were very helpful), they gave me all the forms, said I didn't need a certificate of conformity, told me to get a CT done (which I did) and take the forms to my local mairie who would send it all off.


We are about to get our car 'done'.  Is a C. of C. definitely not required now?  The car in question is a Citroen Berlingo.




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All motor vehicles require evidence of type approval before being registered in France.

The certification is dependent upon their age and type:

For cars -

Pre 1990: attestation d'identite from the vehicle manufacturer

1990-1998: attestation d'identite from either the vehicle manufacturer or the DRIRE

Post 1998: EU Whole Vehicle Type Approval certificat de conformite from the vehicle manufacturer.

(Exception: vehicles over 25 years old are exempt from type approval provided they are registered as voitures de collection with restricted usage)

In April's case, the sous-prefecture directed her to send her papers to the DRIRE for an attestation d'identite.

In Brian's case, the Berlingo should have come with an EUWVTA certificate of conformity.  If he hasn't got it, then he needs to request one from Citroen France.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

In Brian's case, the Berlingo should have come with an EUWVTA certificate of conformity.  If he hasn't got it, then he needs to request one from Citroen France.



Thanks SD.  I can't find any Certification that came with the vehicle and Citroen UK want £82.50 to provide a C. of C. :-(


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