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insurance refused


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Our insurance company are refusing to continue to insure our 1966 Laguna as we've reported 4 accidents - 2 our fault, 2 the other person's. If we had realised this we would have paid for the last one ourselves. If we sell the Laguna and buy another car will we be able to get toute risque for that? The agent says yes but I'm not sure if I trust/ understand him correctly. He also said he could get 3rd party insurance for the Laguna from another company. As far as I could understand the insurance of our van would not be affected. So is it husband who is being refused cover, or the Laguna? Hoping for advice etc. Pat.

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Sounds like the problem is your husband I'm afraid!! When you try to get a new insurance, you have to show them your attestation from the last insurance, which shows details of claims and your current bonus. You'll have to shop around to find who will insure and at what price. Try your bank too. Best of luck

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Thanks to all. I just realised I put 1966 instead of 1996 for the age of the car. Richard - the police weren't invoved in any of the accidents. I will try some other agent or broker next week and suggest in my name. There was a bit of a "personality clash" between husband and the agent and I wondered if they just want to see the back of us. Pat.

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A 1966 Laguna would not appear on their computer or do you mean the date error is only on here?If you should try to insure in your name with him as a named driver they will want details of his record including why he was refused cover.
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We would definitely be upfront about everything. In any case the letter we received said that the information was logged on central records for all to see. We would be looking for 3rd party - ? tierce ----? Pat.

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Don't be tempted to insure only yourself if hubby will also be driving, as suggested in a previous post (not Jc's).  You will find your insurance invalidated if OH has a mishap.

JC - I think we're talking about a 1996 Laguna.  1966 has to be a typo.

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  • 1 month later...
Can now update this, for the info of anyone who might be in a similar position. We have stayed with the same agent, as advised by other companies, and he has found a 3rd party insurance from 1st Oct. A bit expensive but at least we will  be covered. The car is worh less than 3000 euros now. I now  realise that the problem is with the noclaim bonus being below the minimum and we have to have another 2 clear years before it increases and we can get toutes risques again. There is a complicated paragraph on the old policy which explains how the noclaim bonus works but can't understand it. Pat.

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