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Certificate de situation on a French reg car


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I am trying to register  a Renault 5 car in my name, but before I go to the prefecture i have a question about the " Certificate de Situation". ( my prefecture is 3 hour round trip)

 I have tried to download this from on-line but it is rejetee and there is a blocage on the situation of this vehicle and tells me to go to the prefecture.

Is it a requirement that I have to have this form? (the car is 14 years old and I would doubt there would be any finance on it)

If I need to get one, can I go to any prefecture the car is registered in a region that is 300 miles away?

Can I get this cert even thou the Carte Gris is not in my name, although it says I must take the Carte Gris and some identification?

I am having trouble contacting the previous owner, all he gave me was the Carte Gris (Barred) and a Certificte de Cession.




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The certificat de situation/non-gage works in a similar way as the UK HPI certificate.  It reports any outstanding finance, pledges, oppositions to sale on the vehicle as well as any stolen vehicle information.   The seller must provide you with a clear certificate no older than two months (Art. L322-2 code de la route).  You cannot register the vehicle in your name without a clear certificat de situation/non gage. 

You say you have tried to download the certificate but it was rejetee and there is a blocage on the situation of the vehicle. You should have been able to print out the certificate with the details of the blocage.

You will need to go to your prefecture and find out what the problem is.  There will be a borne in the vehicles department which you can use to print out a fresh certificate. If you hand this in, they'll check with the national vehicle database and determine what has been registered against it.  If the vehicle has been stolen, then you will lose it.  Any outstanding finance/pledge will have to be settled and any opposition removed before you can register the vehicle in your name.   If you can't accomplish this within one month from the date of sale, then you may not drive the vehicle until you do.

I note that this 14 year old R5 is not a local car (bought from someone 300 miles away??) and that the previous owner is now not contactable.  I suspect that you are going to have big problems with this one......


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Thanks for your help Sunday Driver as always very informative, by the way I was given this car from a friend of a friend who has now gone abroad and did'nt want it anymore. It is why my friend ( who is french) is having trouble is getting hold of him. I am told the car is straight so a day out in Cahors is all it will cost so maybe not too much to lose if it turns out to be stolen etc.
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