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help for selling a French car in the UK


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ebay may be worth a try. It really depends on what you hope to get for the car. As you've probably noticed, it won't realise nearly as much in the UK as you might expect to get in France, asUK secondhand prices are lower, and it has the added "disadvantage" (although if you can find a buyer who thinks it's an advantage that's a bonus) of being LHD.
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Have you (or anyone) considered just how you can sell a UK-reg car in France? What address do you put on the V5C? If you just hand over the form, then the new owner won't be able to register it because they won't have a logbook in their name.

Besides which it is, if I interperate the EU regs correctly, illegal!



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Funnily enough, I was looking on ebay (out of pure idle curiosity ) today, and I came across this  http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/renault-twingo-left-hand-drive-lhd-eng-problems_W0QQitemZ140035139829QQihZ004QQcategoryZ9861QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem. If you thought  selling a UK reg vehicle in France would be a can of worms, how about registering this one in the UK??? Or even more scary, in France????
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Taking up Nick's point:

EU cross border selling is usually quite easy because France, Germany, etc will issue export carte grises/number plates in the name of the foreign buyer.  This provides them with the authority to drive the vehicle home to complete their import process and provides ownership proof when re-registering in their home country.

However, in this respect, the UK is different.  Since the DVLA abolished the export certificate, this doesn't quite work for UK registered vehicles going abroad and foreign buyers just end up with the previous owner's V5C with no official proof of ownership/registration. 

The DVLA decision was probably based on the fact that only expat Brits would want to export an essentially worthless RHD vehicle to the Continent and re-register it there....[;-)]

Regarding the car for sale on E-Bay.  As it's a French registered Twingo, there should be no problems in either registering it in the UK or sorting out a change of owner in France.

Just another example of how the French system is easier than that of the the UK......



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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Regarding the car for sale on E-Bay.  As it's a French registered Twingo, there should be no problems in either registering it in the UK or sorting out a change of owner in France.

Just another example of how the French system is easier than that of the the UK......[/quote]


Really? Without any documents at all? Gosh! Oh well, I take back everything I was thinking then...although wild horses don't seem to have enticed anyone to buy it (or even bid on it )yet .....but maybe it's just the cost of a new head gasket that's putting them off!

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I'm reading it as the seller IS a company, and can issue a receipt having bought the car from the police pound. So I assume that you'd get some sort of documentary evidence to that effect as well as a receipt.........

I'd quite like to get my hands on a Twingo, but I'm prepared to wait and pay a bit more for one with a fully functional head gasket and a slightly less unusual "provenance" OK, call me picky........... The only other one on there is a rather badly creased one at about 3 times the price from a salvage company, who rather interestingly describe a totally stoved-in front end as "light frontal"damage. Mind you, they also describe the vehicle as RHD, whereas a) that's impossible, Twingo's have never been made in RHD, and  b) the description sits directly under a photo of the LHD vehicle......

I think I'll just wait till something more desirable comes up..

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Hang on. We're talking about two different things here - FrenchLondonians wants to sell a Twingo which can be registered in UK or France. Ebay is actually a good place to sell, and if the car's UK registered and in the UK then ebay UK is probably the place to sell. Ebay.fr will probably get a higher price, but you need somewhere for buyers to inpect it plus the cost of re-registering the car in France - I doubt it's worth it.

There is also a Twingo on Ebay in a police pound in France with a broken head gasket - avoid it!

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[quote user="Cjlaws"]

Hang on. We're talking about two different things here - FrenchLondonians wants to sell a Twingo which can be registered in UK or France. Ebay is actually a good place to sell, and if the car's UK registered and in the UK then ebay UK is probably the place to sell. Ebay.fr will probably get a higher price, but you need somewhere for buyers to inpect it plus the cost of re-registering the car in France - I doubt it's worth it.

There is also a Twingo on Ebay in a police pound in France with a broken head gasket - avoid it!



Now I'm completely confused. Until now I knew we were talking about two different things, but unless there's been a sudden transcontinental outbreak of Twingo's with blown head gaskets on ebay, it now appears we're talking about the same thing.....[8-)]


...and FL wants to sell a Clio [:)]

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There used to be a problem with getting"MPH" speedos for the UK,Renault did not make them but someone offered a stick-on label.There was never a RHD Twingo-could not even be converted due to lack of space in engine room.
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[quote user="FrenchLondonians"]Thank you for following the post!!! We want to sell a Clio and it looks like Ebay UK seems to be a good idea. Anybody has already sold a car on Ebay? It's not like selling CDs or DVDs...[/quote]

Put it on ebay UK -- LHD cars used to be cheaper in the UK; now they are roughly equal to the price you pay in France.

This is due to more Brits living in France and Spain -- or at least the motor traders have cottoned on to the niche concept.

The only difference that remains is that UK 'ct's' are more stringent, which could possibly complicate matters for old bangers - but that's straying from the point.

If you put it on ebay UK you should insist that the buyer comes to inspect the vehicle before you sell it and that anyone with a rating of , say, less than five should contact you prior to bidding to avoid timewasters.

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