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Road Carnage Down. Chirac Says "No" to Amnesty

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I have just been out to try my cruise control. I can set the speed then, using the accelerator, increase speed to whatever, as soon as I take

 my foot off the pedal the speed returns to the preset level. Hence I can accelerate out of trouble if required but return to cruise control without any further button pushing. The system is therefore safe. After any braking, gear changing etc you should be able to press (or turn) "reset" and immediatly the vehicle will accelerate to and then maintain the previous preset speed. You can in fact decelerate and subsequently accelerate without touching a pedal, just by operating the off and reset buttons.

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Other than "passing through" en route to somewhere else I hadn't done much driving in France for a number of years so the 4500 miles we drove late last year house hunting came as something of a pleasant surprise, certainly in relation to the chaotic and aggressive driving we're accustomed to in UK.

The tailgating thing didn't really bother me too much, I'm not easily intimidated plus a decent size not so new car with a towbar endows a small comfort factor, but I did find it rather puzzling when, on many occassions faced with a tailgater, I'd choose a safe spot, indicate right, and pull over to allow an easy overtake, only to find that the car following would just stop behind me. A couple of times I simply drove off again because the car behind showed no sign whatsoever of going by at all!

On some occasions this was undoubtedly due to the fact that the following vehicle was so far up my exhaust that the driver probably couldn't see round me but for the majority of the time I honestly think that the French drivers could simply not comprehend that someone would actually pull over and let them pass like that.

On the other hand, a few times I saw French drivers indicate LEFT which than seemed to be taken as a sign to be overtaken, I never tried this one myself.

Or maybe they were just wary of my English plates.......[blink]

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Your experience is not unique Ernie.  I don't think that tailgating here is a sign that the person behind is neccessarily going to overtake!  Maybe it's a comfort thing and they need to be as close to the person in front as possible to feel safe.  Overall, I tend to like the way the French do things but when it comes to driving...  What are some of them on?
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What about when they come up behind you, then tailgate for a bit, then overtake, then slow down so they are now going slower than you were?  This is mainly a motorway habit and by no means universal, but it is another one of those quirks that puzzles me whenever it happens.

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[quote user="Cassis"]What about when they come up behind you, then tailgate for a bit, then overtake, then slow down so they are now going slower than you were?  This is mainly a motorway habit and by no means universal, but it is another one of those quirks that puzzles me whenever it happens.

The one that "gets my goat" is the UK habit of tearing up behind me on an unlit dual carriageway, or motorway, thus making me think "police?". (If it's fairly empty, I'm usually SLIGHTLY over the limit, so I slow to 70mph)

Matey then slowsand trails along behind me for MILES, just close enough to bother me with his/her headlights in my wingmirrors.

No matter WHAT speed I do, I then CANNOT get matey to pass me.[8-)] Nor can I outrun him/her without doing SILLY speeds. He/she simply keeps up.[8-)] Quite what this is all about, I dunno, but it's happened more than once.

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[quote user="Ford Anglia"]

Matey then slowsand trails along behind me for MILES, just close enough to bother me with his/her headlights in my wingmirrors.

No matter WHAT speed I do, I then CANNOT get matey to pass me.[8-)] Nor can I outrun him/her without doing SILLY speeds. He/she simply keeps up.[8-)] Quite what this is all about, I dunno, but it's happened more than once.


Using you to ride "shotgun" perhaps?

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