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Car depreciation in France


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I'm tempted to buy a BMW 3 series rather than a new C5 because the extra initial cost would be more than offset by the reduced depreciation over three years.  According to 'What Car' magazine a BMW should retain around 50% of its original value after that time, while the C5 would retain only 25%.  Trouble is, I don't know if these statistics apply in France.  Does anyone know of a source which lists relative depreciation of different cars in France over something like a three or five year period?  I've looked in the French 'Argus' magazine but it's not helpful.

I should add that I need this information in order to persuade a sceptical wife that buying a BMW would actually be a sensible investment!

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Garage owners tend to use the Argus price guide, so I would imagine that although you didn't find it helpful it's probably about the best option. For many reasons, depreciation in Britain is far higher than in France, so forget the UK guides. Popular French makes seem to depreciate less than imports, as a rule, though if you are only looking over three years (i.e. before the time when many expensive, hard-to-get parts will be needed) I wouldn't think there was much in it

I suppose that compared with a Sinclair C5 (that's what you meant wasn't it? Only C5 I know) even an A***holemobile is a good choice.

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Go Mad spend a Euro on this week's Autoplus nstead of having me rettype it

Citreon C5 1,8 16V List 21200 12% discount possible, estimated value at 3 years 11678.

C5 2.2 HDI 173 Eclusive 32900 12% drops to 19262

Peugeot 407  1,8 16VList 21750 8 % discount estimated value at 3 years 13668

Peugeot 407 2.2 HDI 170 Sport 31650 8 % at 3 years 23865

BMW 116i 21950 5 % discount estimayed value at 3 years 14868

120d Lux Sport 31900 5 %  disocunt  at three years 25959 

Bit surprised as they apply the same target discount percentage accross all models with the same body which is not the way it works in the UK. Also surprised BMWs hold so their value so well and Citreon drops so much. Not very keen on modern Citreons as they seem to have taken on Peugeot's great avante garde flair while retaining their own built quality bit like the possible offspring of Mrs Patrick Cambell and George Brenard Shaw. 

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I was always a lover of BMWs in the UK but bought new Citroens. Now that I am over here I would stick to a Citroen only because if you do have a problem, you know that there are loads of places where it can be sorted. Servicing should be cheaper too. Having said that I have just bought a new 4X4 - made in Korea, this was because it suits my needs, does 45mpg and has loads of power. A BMW car would not manage the road to my house and a BMW 4x4 would cost 70% more for a more basic car with no more power or economy.

Having said that, we are all individuals and are free to choose what we want.

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Will, you are a breath of fresh air.  I read the origingal post and thought that all the guys would come out of the woodwork to sell the BMW to the wife but fairplay, you are Honest Joe.[:D]

Swiss, go with the BMW, you know it makes sense.  If the car was an import of the Italian variety, namely Alfa Romeo you know you are asking for depreciation trouble.

Many men compare cars to women.  Tell the wife everything depreciates.  I bet she does not look as good in a bikini now compared to when you first met her (I know I dont) but I bet you love her more.  There how is that for a bit of charm.  Happy motoring.

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