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In a sweat over my steering wheel

Alan Zoff

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Bit of a long shot this but does anyone know if the lacquer finish on leather-covered steering wheels can be repaired as a DIY project? I have - how can I put this delicately? - rather caustic perspiration. This prevents me from wearing leather watch straps and takes the finish of metal specs. (Not quite as bad as it sounds but you get the picture.)

It also causes premature deterioration of the finish on steering wheel covers. My current Mazda had been holding up well but I have just noticed that the lacquer is starting to peel off at the 10 to 2 position. (At least it shows I have been holding the wheel correctly.) Mazda want a lot of money for a new steering wheel but don't suggest another remedy.

I will welcome any helpful suggestions.

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Alan, are you sure that it's laquer that is coming off. Leather being a natural product weathers with use and changes in appearance.

I'm sure you know this but one thing that should never be done is use any form of polish on a steering wheel.

As Coop says, a good dose of leather food is probably the way to go.

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I suggested saddle soap for the reason which Bugs states.  Saddle soap, when you think about it, has the advantage of not producing a polished result (if you think about it, it would be a bit off if it made you slide off the horse!); also, it is designed to resist sweat which is a good deal more potent that yours could ever be!

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Thanks for the tips. Not sure my doctor, specs dispenser - or indeed the horse - would necessarily agree, but will give it a try. It would seem though that the leather was coated with a lacquer-like finish which has begun to come away in places. Perhaps if I can get the rest off completely, the saddle soap will leave me with an equally good finish.

Pity it's not a Ford Mustang. (Hey, perhaps it is. Mazda are Ford now and for all I know Xedos - it's a Mazda Xedos - means stallion or something similar.)


Alian the Stallion (getting carried away now)

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    I have the same problem with leather straps. My Wrist went all funny and appeared mouldy when I started wearing my nice new Xmas Pressie of a shiny new watch with a leather strap.  I discovered a solution though.  I used my wifes clear nail varnish. Soaks into the leather so does not make it shiny and slippy but protects it from the perspiration. And whilst your doing it you get a nice high from the fumes. Oh! the days of making planes and putting dope on the wings. Better than 'D...gs' any day.


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