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buying french 2nd hand car


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I'm buying a 2nd hand car privately (OK, through ebay!).

I know I have to go to the prefecture and have it re-registered. The controle technique is valid till December, so presumably I worry about that then.

Apart from getting the cate grize, is there anything else I should be aware of?

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Hi hoverfrog

We bought a second hand car in France and the seller adn our french friend said it was obligatory to have a new CT on the car before the transaction took place, so after the deal was agreed, he took the car for the CT and it was valid for two yrs[:D]


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You must produce a CT certificate that is no more than six months old when you register the change of ownership at your prefecture.  If this controle technique is valid until December, then it's too old and you should ask the seller to have a fresh test done.  You can, of course, negotiate a reduction in the price and get the CT done yourself after buying the car, but you would then be liable to the cost of any repairs....



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I wonder where I would stand on this...

EBAY rules - the car was advertised as-is, with some minor work to be done and CT until Dec. I've agreed to that by bidding on Ebay.

I've arranged with the seller to have done as much work as is needed to drive the car back here (500 km) at my expense.

I thought the CT had to have at least 6 months left, not be less than 6 months old...

or maybe that was to sell the car.

I know I will have to have work done on it, but at that price I expect to!

Actually, it's no great shakes to have to have a new CT before registering it... but is there a time limit on the registering?
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You are very brave (or dare I say foolish ? ) buying a car on ebay.  It is a haven for getting rid of junk and in particular dodgy cars.  Be very careful.  Before you bid try and see the car (not always possible I know), if not get the seller to make statements like:  there  is no rust; never been used by a smoker; no dents; seats like new;  full service history etc, that cover the sorts of things that bother you.  Then when going to pick up the car it is obvious that the cigar lighter thng has been used or there is rusty patch somewhere, you have a legal ebay get out - not as described.   You can then default on the deal without - in theory - getting bad feedback.  If the seller does you, you do him, do not give feedback until you have received your's.

Ther are many great deals in cars to be had on ebay, but  you need  to  be very careful.  When searching for a certain model save them and just watch how many that are supposidly sold get relisted, its amazing  !  Just proves my point, there is a lot junk for sale on ebay, and we havent even mentioned stolen cars and those without paperwork ?

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well at under 1/2 price for a car I want - and an old one at that, I'm not going to be too fussy!

It's a 4X4 and I already know that the dog has chewed the front seats - but quite honestly that doesn't bother me and I'll probably smoke in it too :)

It is going to the garage tomorrow, and the seller is going to let me know what the garage says.

As long as it's fit to drive the 500 km home that's OK. After all, it can't be any worse than the Kia Sportage I foolishly bought from new and am now giving away!!
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I looked at Auto Trader on line to check out the prices of left hand drive cars offered in the UK.....there are obviously loads with links to traders web pages who deal in such vehicles  all lined up on their  forecourts ...........I later looked on Ebay for left hand drive cars .....and up popped the same vehicles as offered by the dealers .....so they are not all cut and shuts and of dubious history on E .bay
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Not sure I agree. I looked at 3 cars and carefully researched each one (in terms of price and any known faults). I then sent a couple of emails to get either the name or the address or email (preferably a work email) of the seller (slightly 'indirectly'). The buyers all appeared sound and answered questions credibly. For our main 'target car' bid, we checked the address and website of the company he worked for (he turned out to a director of a Swiss bank but lived just over the french border!).  After our successful bid (at a very good price), we made contact again and he met us with the car at the hotel we overnighted in (with his wife) and handed over the paperwork. I handed over the money after giving the car a sort of cursory look over (I'm no mechanic but just checked VIN plate and any obvious signs of damage). We then put fuel, air, water and oil in it and drove it to the Pyrenees in one day and it has soldiered on without fault since. I found the process much more risk-free than buying from a dealer where you have very little knowledge of what the car has been used for in the past and possibly a legal battle if it all goes pear shaped. IMHO, find a sound private buyer (not a trader) and you may do better on ebay than a more conventional approach.

There are LHD cars via specialist dealers on ebay.co.uk. Some of them are newish but the prices do seem a bit steep.



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I agree with darnsarf - Bought a car from e-Bay 16 months ago and have had no problems. It was a bargain compared to garages selling similar. Just do your homework looking for the usual faults on the model you are looking at, check high feedback score and go for it.
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