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Car too old for certificate of conformity


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I am trying to register my 1986 BMW here in France.  I have had a control technique carried out, which it passed and then I wrote to BMW in the UK to ask for the certificate of conformity.  I had a letter back today, to say the EC certificate of conformity is not available for my vehicle as it was built before these documents were required for registration in the EC. 

They then went on to tell me that there is an EC Commission notice in force that allows for cars registered in one EC country to be reregistered in another EC country.

They have then suggested I contact the French authorities for further help.

Has anyone else had this problem and if so what did you do?

Is Sunday Driver around to shed some light, please?


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That is what they do, we used to call them the 'service des mines', which I always found very confusing, but there you go.

They check that the car is up to french standards, to put it very simply, it is probably more complicated than that though.

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What you would call in the UK Single Vehicle Type approval but what you would go thro' is a simpler version of that;parts are checked to see that they conform with the legislation that was in force when the vehicle was first registered.
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The information that BMW UK have given to you is not relevant to your particular vehicle and does not relate to your situation in France.

The EU certificate of conformity was introduced in 1998 when all new vehicles had to comply with mandatory EU whole vehicle type approval. Older vehicles are subject to French national type approval and for this, you will need an attestation d'identite (serves the same purpose as the CoC, just a different name) which you can obtain from BMW France:

BMW France

Service homologation

3, Avenue Ampere

Montigny le Bretonneux


Ref:  (your BMW Model)


Je voudrai immatriculer ma voiture BMW en France et j'ai besoin d'un attestation d'identité.  J'attache une copie de mon certificat d'immatriculation étranger.

Je vous prie d'agréer, Messieurs, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.



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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

What would we do without SD?  Spot on chapter and verse on every motoring matter - Brilliant!

and no, I'm not being sarcastic, I do really mean it


Yes, agreed. SD reassured my OH and I with regards to our purchase of a car recently in slightly odd circumstances and it all went as smoothly as he said it would - didn't stop me crossing my fingers though!

Sue [:D]

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DRIRE tests are only required for vehicles that haven't been type approved for France - ie, where the manufacturer can't issue a type approval certificate or attestation.  In such cases, the DRIRE need to carry out an individual type approval inspection on that specific vehicle and if successful, they issue a single vehicle approval certificate.

When you receive your attestation from BMW, you just pop around to your prefecture and fill in a simple demande de certificat d'immatriculation form.  Hand this over, together with your V5C registration document, BMW attestation, quittus fiscale TVA certificate, CT certificate, passport and a utility bill.  Pay the registration fee and you'll receive your new carte grise.


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A little bit of confusion seems to creep in here because if your vehicle is listed in the DRIRE database, they can issue an attestation that it conforms. There is a charge, but it is lower than the usual manufacturer's fee. (I cannot talk from experience because Peugeot France didn't charge us for a letter of conformity the only time we needed one). Of course, if the car's VIN is not on the database, and you can't get the paperwork from the manufacturer, then a DRIRE inspection is the next hope.
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  • 1 month later...

[quote user="Will"]A little bit of confusion seems to creep in here because if your vehicle is listed in the DRIRE database, they can issue an attestation that it conforms. There is a charge, but it is lower than the usual manufacturer's fee. (I cannot talk from experience because Peugeot France didn't charge us for a letter of conformity the only time we needed one). Of course, if the car's VIN is not on the database, and you can't get the paperwork from the manufacturer, then a DRIRE inspection is the next hope.[/quote]

How does one go about checking if one's vehicle is on the DRIRE database?

I have a 1989 Isuzu Trooper that I'm thinking of bringing over - It's an original genuine UK import direct from Isuzu, rather than a grey import.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello all.

I would like a few more questions answered if anyone can help, SD???

I'm still struggling to get my car French registered and its getting beyond a joke.  I contacted BMW France as suggested and they sent me a very comprehensive form to fill in, along with a demand for 150 euros.  They have now contacted me by letter, asking for me to go to a BMW garage to confirm the lights are correct and the tacho, which is in kms, this is apparently called the attestation.  Is this all I need or will I also need the COC?? Its all getting very complicated for my little brain, all I want is to have my car on French plates.

Many thanks


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It sounds as if BMW are able to supply your type approval "attestation d'identité", but before they issue it, they are asking for confirmation that the headlamps and speedo now conform with the French regulations, ie  under which your model was type approved.  Now, importers don't usually bother with this aspect, relying instead on the vehicle passing a CT examination, but BMW seems to be the exception.

You will need to take the car to a BMW garage and ask them to issue an attestation confirming that your lights and speedo are legal for France.  Once you have that attestation letter, send it off to BMW France and they'll send you your type approval certificate by return. 

Then it's off to the prefecture to register....[:D]


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