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It seems to rely on a network of "trusted" users pressing a button on their mobile phone whenever they see a radar - "Roughly speaking, the more you participate, the more the information you get is reliable."

Doesn't sound very reliable to me.  I think I'll just carry on keeping an eye on my speedo.....


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I like their rationale for this that you don't have to keep watching the speedo and is therefore safer.

So, correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to have all these gizmos talking to each other AND push a button on your phone AND keep an eye on the speedo anyway.  Good call.....

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I speed all the time, never have abnd never will apologise for it. This gizmo however, i would not use as the accumulative effect of registering the warning, checking the device, pressing the button, attempting to see if the device is still there when i pass the location, etc etc, would result in a lot of cognitive effort being diverted from the act of speeding itself. It would be easier to stick to the limit, something i dont want to do, so i will give it a miss thanks... ;-)
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Well Chief, if you ride a bike in France, as your avitar suggests, then you are above the law here so no worries. No need to worry about limits, solid white lines, cameras or anything alse to do with the law peut etra???
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[quote user="Jonzjob"]Well Chief, if you ride a bike in France, as your avitar suggests, then you are above the law here so no worries. No need to worry about limits, solid white lines, cameras or anything alse to do with the law peut etra???[/quote]

Thats good :-) Must admit, cannot recall passing a rear-facing camera in France, so speed not a problem, as i have never seen a Gendarme on a decent bike either....lol

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Plenty of rear facing cameras in France, Chief, so you must have missed them.  Poor observation, I'd say......[Www]

If you are happy believing that speed is not a problem, then you are considering the wrong risk.  Fixed cameras aren't the issue, given that the advance warning signs are big enough for any fool to see.  It's the hidden mobile ones that will catch you.

You're clearly fast enough to outrun the Gendarmes, but I suspect their radio is faster...[:P]



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[quote user="Chief"]

[quote user="Jonzjob"]Well Chief, if you ride a bike in France, as your avitar suggests, then you are above the law here so no worries. No need to worry about limits, solid white lines, cameras or anything alse to do with the law peut etra???[/quote]

 i have never seen a Gendarme on a decent bike either....lol


Anyone else see that gendarme ride his bike into a ditch while following the Tour[:D] ?


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No didn't see that, but the big smash was on the news this morning, TF2. Our haunted fish tank is on at least 20 mins every, or most daze anyway, for the Meteo in the morning. Oh, and to have a look at Laura de web!![:P]

The original link was taken from Google Earf and they give the positions of the fixed speed cameras on one of the layers.

I have got past the stage of NEEDING to go fast. Bin there done that, a bit! Plus in the world we live now it is a far more dangerous thing to do than when I used to 'try' to out run the Standerwick double decker coaches on the original part of the M5 on my way back to R.A.F. Lyneham in my Mk2 Phase 2 Ford Consel. Those things could push the ton and my poor Consul used to run out of breath at about 95. The wipers stopped too if it was raining. So anyone who comes blasting past me I just TRY to let go. They are obviously late for their funeral, maybe?

As SD said tooo, they will not outrun a radio transmission.

A question? People who go blasting past on the Autoroute, hoe do they get away with not being caught at the Peage? You have your time on, distance on and time off = speed. If they are doing 150 KPH + the Damjams are usually situated at the Paege points? Easy meat and money from the pilloks peut etra?

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

A question? People who go blasting past on the Autoroute, hoe do they get away with not being caught at the Peage? You have your time on, distance on and time off = speed. [/quote]

Probably a few good reasons.  Mostly, in my case for instance, and i suspect manay others, i don't blast from pillor to post, nor do i speed on every single trip/outing, just the occasional bit of fun here and there, but like most involved in the debate, you make the assumption that it is speed from start to finish, and use emotive words like 'blasting' because that bests suits the maintenance of a weak argument. Secondly, the peage doesn't pick it up, because of regular stops.  They're the things that keep you fresh, and more importantly AWAKE, they're also a good time to use your mobile, which is something plenty of people choose to do in the car, and even though they are or maybe within the limit, its not okay.  The breaks, an integral part of any long journey, distort the speed/time analysis. thirdly, and perhaps central to part of your argument, the peage is a business, no mileage in it for the operators if they are seen to be colluding with Gendarmes in the mass persecution of the very people who are putting their food on the table....small but probably significant point.

Passing you on a road soon.....chief

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A little misunderstanding here Chief? When I said blast it wasn't meant to be emotive, just a comment on the VERY loud noise that a lot of bikes seem to make when being ridden quickly. It can't be a weak argument, because it is not any kind of argument to start with. I hate arguments they upset me...

As a matter of interest if a bike comes up behind me on a busy road, yes they do exist here too, I have a tendency to move over as close to the curb so that the bike can come past safely and quickly. Normally there is a leg of thanks...

The autoroute people do report speeding to the damjams and you see motorists leaving the paege points and being pulled over by the nik niks. We have seen it several times and we don't use the autoroutes very often.

Safe riding mate!!!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

The autoroute people do report speeding to the damjams and you see motorists leaving the paege points and being pulled over by the nik niks. We have seen it several times and we don't use the autoroutes very often.

Safe riding mate!!!


I'm sorry, but I believe this to be another modern myth.

I have yet to meet ANYONE who was caught in this way, but I have met loads, and seen loads more, caught by well hidden speed traps on the last few km before a peage. If you aren't speeding and ARE attentive, you DO see them.

The system you mention would rely on having a gendarme at each and every peage. I don't think the French police are that desperate for money.

Now if it was the UK Scamera partnerships...............[Www]

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I also believe that to be a myth, but there are many myths. In this thread http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1/894288/ShowPost.aspx#894288, another member came up with some wild idea that the French police would try and get a speeding conviction from a Youtube video that does not even show the speedo, not is there any admission of speeding. The same mamber comes on this thread and admits speeding! Someone who loves to spread myths I think.

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[quote user="Bob T"]I also believe that to be a myth, but there are many myths. In this thread http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/1/894288/ShowPost.aspx#894288, another member came up with some wild idea that the French police would try and get a speeding conviction from a Youtube video that does not even show the speedo, not is there any admission of speeding. The same mamber comes on this thread and admits speeding! Someone who loves to spread myths I think.
[/quote] 2 points my friend...firstly i have never denied speeding or my like and propensity to so...secondly, there is documented evidence of the police using mediums such as youtube to obtain convictions. Visit MCN.com and do a search, i seem to recall it being in there some months ago, and other stories in the press as well. As an aside, the issue with your previous post was that you claimed you couldn't be caught that way, and indeed it was unlikely that you could even be identified. I then visited your rather good website i have to say, and within 15 minutes had identified your face, bike and registration number....hence the fact you have eagerly awaited (in vain) to try and make a point...keep hunting :-))
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Come now ladies all! Let us keep this at a level of calm please. As I have said before I HATE arguments, espesially when they are NOT warrantied. So please keep this as it was meant, at a friendly level!

If your wish is to speed, then do so, but don't involve ME or MINE. Do it at your own risk please? Also try to keep the good vibes flowing. Bad vibes hurt everything, not just people!

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No bad vibes here mate. Thought the post from bobby was being a little selective, although he did post the route to the thread. If you read the other thread you will see that i don't approve or disaprove of speeding in the thread, merely pointing out the ways in which people have been caught in thius country (UK) and probably could be caught elsewhere. The police dont need to see your speedo to do that. All they need is location and a time/distance measurement and hey presto, if the poster of the vid has a website (as bobby does) it takes less than 15 mins to put a nam, face and bike to the vid....
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http://www.roadracers.co.uk/speeding.htm read the footnote at the very bottom (after all the macho bollocks)

http://www.tv3.co.nz/VideoBrowseAll/ScienceTechnologyVideo/tabid/311/articleID/30482/Default.aspx refers to a teenager jailed after videoing himself doing 209kph in hius dads car

so me thinks it can happen....
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[quote user="Ford Anglia"][quote user="Jonzjob"]

The autoroute people do report speeding to the damjams and you see motorists leaving the paege points and being pulled over by the nik niks. We have seen it several times and we don't use the autoroutes very often.

Safe riding mate!!!


I'm sorry, but I believe this to be another modern myth.

I have yet to meet ANYONE who was caught in this way.[/quote]

In that case, I'll tell my mate that the fine he got was a figment of his imagination!

Believe it, it isn't a myth.[:@]

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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="Ford Anglia"][quote user="Jonzjob"]

The autoroute people do report speeding to the damjams and you see motorists leaving the paege points and being pulled over by the nik niks. We have seen it several times and we don't use the autoroutes very often.

Safe riding mate!!!


I'm sorry, but I believe this to be another modern myth.

I have yet to meet ANYONE who was caught in this way.[/quote]

In that case, I'll tell my mate that the fine he got was a figment of his imagination!

Believe it, it isn't a myth.[:@]


And he's CERTAIN that the gendarmes hadn't trapped him on a radar or a laser on the peage approaches?

Modern myth then[6]

Oh, and my French mate who drives a white van in France for a living, says it's a myth too.[:P]


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Ford Anglia, I emailed your response to my mate. His reponse - "If they had trapped me on radar, laser or other futuristic magic machine, then why did they provide me with the average speed I'd driven between two peages? Secondly, I also know a guy who drives a white van for a living. He proudly boasts of  knowing every trick (or urban myth) in the book to beat everything from safety cameras to paying the congestion charge. Which is probably the reason why he has only 3 points left on his licence!"

You concluded - "Sorry.[Www]"

There's no need to apologise![:D]

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Interesting article on TF2 news this morning... They showed a damjam pulling a couple of cars over just after they had left a peage point, telling the drivers that they had been speeding and what their average speed had been.

They also showed the radar traps and other things, but it was the average speed that interested me. As Salty's mate said, not really possible to get average from a radar gun?

Urban myth???[I]

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In the UK last week and through road works on the M1 in Northampton where they do not have speed cameras as such in a 50 limit but had staged cameras which did average speed checks. I don't know if they were working or not, but thery were certainly in place.  It is possible that Gendarmes can do the same type of checks if they wanted to but to say that this is a normal method of speed control is an urban myth. 

Those who have got tickets for speeding near Peages will find that they have a ticket giving the speed and exact location of the check, this is now a legal requirement siince a driver challenged a speed fine in the French courts over the location of the check not being specific enough for him to determine that the car was in a regulated area when checked. So whoever's mate is was, get him to read his speeding ticket, or even post the wording on here, I doubt it says anything about an average speed check.

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Thore average speed cameras on the M1 in the roadworks are switched on and making shedloads of money for the government.(at the rate at which speeding fines are being handed out the road should almost pay for its self)

I am told there are two ways to avoid helping to pay for it.

1) stick to the 50mph limit.

2) Change lanes after you pass the camera.

regards colin

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