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Travelling to the UK


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Hi there,

This information is, I am sure, somewhere in this forum but I can't see it.

I am driving from France to the UK later this week.  We have a UK car, which is re-registered in France, so now on French plates.

1.  Do I need to put an 'F' plate on the back of the car?  (I think so)

2.  What items am I legally obliged to carry in the car, in case of getting stopped by the gendarmes?

Thanks for any advice!

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If you have a numberplate with the blue bit and an F on it then you don't need an F plate.

If the gendarmes stop you, make sure that you have the same items in the car as you had yesterday. They don't care if you are travelling to the UK or Paris, the rules are the same.

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Hi Bob,

Thanks very much for your post.  We do have the 'F' on the reg plate so that's good.  The only thing I don't understand is what we are obliged to carry in the car whilst in France.  Obviously I am probably currently missing something as I am driving around anyway!!  If you know what we are legally obliged to carry in the car in France at all times, I'd be grateful for input.

Thanks again!


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Sorry, I misunderstood your post. Not sure what is legally required, but I carry: Carte Gris, Insurance docs, driving license, warning triangle, Hi-vis vest, and spare bulbs. Sunday Driver will be along soon to correct anything. He is the expert in these matters, after all.

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You got all the legal requirements Bob, carte grise, insurance papers - signed and driving license.  The AA advise tourists to carry a spare set of bulbs and a warning triangle, good advice but not legally required but  you could avoid a fine for a duff bulb, triangle useful if hazard lights not working or inappropriate.  Hi-Vis are not required in France or the UK but again if you have one carry it.
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[quote user="powerdesal"]I have always been under the impression that a first aid kit and firex were legally necessary. It didn't change anything for me as they are normally carried ...but what is the law?

The law is that nothing (other than CG, Insurance & D/L) must be carried. If the crooks in Portsmouth Continental Ferryport tell you something else, then they are wrong (and trying to get you to part with your holiday money).

In the UK, there is no requirement to carry anything - but it is advisable to carry the docs is you are using a foreign-registered car.


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[quote user="nicktrollope"]In the UK, there is no requirement to carry anything...[/quote]I hesitate to be dogmatic, but many sources say that a warning triangle is mandatory in the UK.  However, there is disagreement about whether this requirement (if it exists) applies to a visiting foreign vehicle.

Maybe there is someone with greater Googling skill than mine who can find the real answer to this.

Whatever the correct legal answer may be,  I believe in the principle that what the European regulations say is less important than what the local policeman says.

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"I hesitate to be dogmatic, but many sources say that a warning triangle is mandatory in the UK".

Alan, if you meant France that used to be the case, but if you meant the UK those "many" sources are just plain wrong.  It is not and never has been a requirement to carry a warning triangle in the UK, they were only ever sold for foreigh travel.  The need for a triangle has been overtaken in the past few years and is only mandatory on vehicles in France without hazard lights.  All that said, it does not do any harm to carry such things, but they are not legally required despite what the local gendarme/bobby may think.

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[quote user="Ron Avery"]

"I hesitate to be dogmatic, but many sources say that a warning triangle is mandatory in the UK".

Alan, if you meant France that used to be the case, but if you meant the UK those "many" sources are just plain wrong.[/quote]No, it wasn't a typing error - I meant the UK, but I note that three "sources" I was quoting are all people who sell warning triangles (and first aid kits, luminous jackets, etc) so I accept they may not be reliable.

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