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Accident Damaged Vehicles


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Can anyone give me any information about buying an accident damaged vehicle in France please?

I am particularly interested in weather the French authorities operate a similar system to the DVLA where damaged vehicles are graded and only certain types can be repaired and returned to the road.

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Vehicles which are heavily damaged must be taken off the road and inspected by an authorised expert.  A report setting out the repairs necessary to make it roadworthy is sent off to the prefecture together with the carte grise.  In order to reclaim the carte grise, a further report must be obtained certifying that the repairs have been satisfactorily completed.  If the carte grise is not reclaimed within a year, then it is annulled.

You may sell a damaged repairable vehicle, in which case, you hand over the repairer's 'estimate' to the new owner who must complete the above procedure in order to obtain the carte grise.

If a vehicle is damaged beyound repair, then it is sent for destruction.




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Many thanks Sunday Driver that’s just what I wanted to know.


I’d been hoping to build a new Westfield kit car but have given up on that idea after discovering that only factory built examples can be registered in France, and they’re well out of my price range.

The alternative I’ve now been considering is to rebuild an accident damaged factory car, if I could find such a beast. However the fact the job must be completed within a year, less any time already elapsed, has I thing probably scuppered that idea. Trying to spend that much time in the barn with the house still to finish would probably end in divorce!

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Moulin, I am not sure how this works, but I gather you can now register a self build vehicle in France. There is a book in the UK you might have seen - Build your own Sports Car on a Budget - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Build-Your-Own-Sports-Car/dp/1844253910/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/202-0814689-3960635?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1191345215&sr=8-1 - for which there is now a French language version which has a section on how to register a car. I have seen the book but can't remember what the French title is i am afraid, but maybe a serach of Amazon.fr will help - it was the author of the book I was talking to about it and he showed me the section but he didn't write that part (he can't speak French, and doesn't know the law) and therefore wasn't sure what it said sepcifically. Might make it possible to register a self built Westie.
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