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Sans Permis questions


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I have a voiture sans-permis in France, it was bought some years ago and was at one time all legal, and I was using it, but it has spent the last few years in my cave needing some replacement parts, while I've been in England with no money.  Now it's ready to go again, but I don't seem to have the documentation for it.  I've found out that I need to complete a form for the lost Carte Grise (I'm not even familiar with the document names, but I'm assuming this is what we'd call the Log Book in England - is that correct?), get it insured (it was insured with AGF before, but they can find no record of it now) and get the Controle Technique done - but not being a motorist in England, I'm a bit confused as to what order I will  have to do all these things in, and as it's my only transport apart from bicycles, I'm concerned about getting it on the road as soon as poss because I'm out in the countryside and it's so difficult to get from place to place without it.  I've found the form to get a replacement Carte Grise on the net, which is one hurdle crossed.  The car runs ok, but needs some repairs before it will pass the Controle Technique, I'm told.  It is also 25 years old, and I've just read that if I make a special application for it to be considered a Collector's Car I might not have to have the CT done, but that this isn't automatic, and that restrictions apply with this - does anyone know what they are?  I don't know if it's worth doing this or not, or how much hassle it is.  Also, how much does the Controle Technique cost? 


If anyone can advise me what to do so that I remain legal at each step, I'd be very grateful!



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Straightforward process, Tessa.

First step is to download a 'declaration de perte de certificat d'immatriculation' (loss report form) from [url=http://www2.equipement.gouv.fr/formulaires/fic_pdf/12096.pdf] HERE[/url]. 

Fill  in all three parts and take it to your prefecture - they'll stamp a copy for you which then acts as a temporary carte grise so you can drive the car for up to a month whilst you organise the CT and the duplicate carte grise (registration document).  You'll need to show them ID - passport and a utility bill should do.

Next, you get the CT done.

Finally, it's back to the prefecture and fill in a 'demande de certificat d'immatriculation' (registration application form), ticking the 'duplicata' box.  You can download the form from [url=http://www.interieur.gouv.fr/sections/a_votre_service/vos_demarches/vehicules/cerfa-1067203/downloadFile/attachedFile/10672.pdf?nocache=1138096996.08]HERE[/url].

Hand this in, together with your copy of the 'perte' form, CT certificate, your passport and a utility bill and pay the 32€ fee.  They will then issue your duplicate carte grise (probably by post).

The collector's car registration process still requires a CT, so I'd ignore that avenue.  Besides, the CT will give you comfort that the car is safe.




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[quote user="Nick Trollope"]

Do sans permis vehicles need a CT?


Even if they don't - and I have no idea either way - if you are not car savvy then putting your car in for a CT seems to me the easiest, quickest and possibly the cheapest way of  finding out about the drivability, roadworthiness and safety aspects  your car.


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[quote user="spg"][quote user="Nick Trollope"]

Do sans permis vehicles need a CT?


Even if they don't - and I have no idea either way - if you are not car savvy then putting your car in for a CT seems to me the easiest, quickest and possibly the cheapest way of  finding out about the drivability, roadworthiness and safety aspects  your car.



I'm afraid the CT doesn't cover most of that. Far better to have a garage (better still a specialist garage) look at it.


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