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reapply for licience

Richard Hyde

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Your UK licence remains valid for France up until the time it expires.  However, because of computer system limitations, the DVLA cannot re-issue the licence to a foreign address. That means that to retain your driving entitlements over here, you will have to exchange your expiring UK licence for a French one.

You will need to declare your condition on the French licence application form and you will be convened before a departmental medical commission made up of two general practitioners which will determine the period of validity of the new temporary driving licence, the duration of which will vary from 6 months up to 5 years according to your individual medical circumstances.

You will need to present to the medical commission a detailed medical certificate from a diabetes specialist, specifying whether the diabetes is correctly balanced (last figure of glyquée haemoglobin), the existence or not of complications, in particular on the ocular level, whether arterial hypertension is well controlled or not, the absence or not of hypoglycemia and finally an opinion as to whether you are able to satisfactorily control a vehicle.

If you pass this medical, you will be issued with a periodically renewable French driving licence (as per the UK).


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SD. This is very interesting as my medecin said nothing about any of these requirements. (I have diabetes controlled by insulin). It would be helpful if you could give me the source of your information so that I can discuss it with him at my next appointment, as, whilst I have very good control, I also want to be legal!!



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I copied this from a previous response I'd made on another forum and I'm having trouble remembering the original source.....[:(]

Here is the official list of [url=http://www.code-route.com/incompatibilites_physiques2005.pdf]medical conditions incompatible with holding a driving licence or leading to the issue of a licence of limited duration.[/url]

Here are a couple of diabetes related websites which give a simpler explanation of the requirements for medical certificates for driving with diabetes:

[url=http://vivre-avec-un-diabete.ifrance.com/diabete__legislation.htm] Vivre avec un diabete[/url].

[url=http://mondiabete.net/occasion/index.cfm?Rub=50]Mon diabete[/url].

The law is strange in this respect because if you are applying for a licence (either a new one, a renewal of an existing licence or an exchange licence) then you have to declare your diabetes.  However, if your diabetes has occured after you have been granted a licence, then there is no legal requirement to declare it.  I suspect your doctor may be assuming that you don't need to declare it - is he aware that you will be applying for an exchange licence?



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  • 11 months later...

[quote user="Jc"]one of my cars is covered by Direct Line-who just said thanks for the info-no change to the policy or premiums.[/quote]

You give no location information JC but as you state this in the present tense are we to understand that you are French resident but still insured out of UK I wonder [Www]


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