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leaving a car in France

banyuls diver

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Sunday Driver- Thanks for that.

AS I said, I intend bringing the car LEGALLY into France and insuring it - just trying to make sure there's somewhere safe to leave it if I do - and not where it may inconvenience others. Would rather have my main home in France - but domestic duties (looking after mum) mean I can't make the move just yet. Lucky those already in the sun permanently! For the moment, I pay my local taxes and service charges which I believe allows me to own a car in France?

As I've only recently bought my maison secondaire I could at best afford a "banger" in France - that's why I'm thinking of importing a known reliable car which I don't need in the U.K. now that I'm no longer working. It would be better to use it if I can.

P.S. It does strike me that a lot of cars in France have bumps and scratches. Is this something to do with the way people drive out there? I'd definately want to have French insurance cover. 


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]I keep telling people you're a reasonable sort of chap, so they'll just have to believe me now.....[;-)][/quote]

If it wasn't for the fact that it's dark, I could have sworn that I just saw a load of airborne sangliers heading north for the Aveyron.  [6]

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[quote user="banyuls diver"]Lucky those already in the sun permanently! [/quote]And who might they be, you've been watching too many eposodes of "Place in the Sun" methinks....[:D]

[quote user="banyuls diver"]I pay my local taxes and service charges which I believe allows me to own a car in France?[/quote]I don't think these are relevant to owning a car in France. The only thing you'll need to show is an address for which your EDF bill will normally suffice.

[quote user="banyuls diver"]P.S. It does strike me that a lot of cars in France have bumps and scratches. Is this something to do with the way people drive out there? I'd definately want to have French insurance cover[/quote]On the whole the French don't seem as precious of their cars as the majority of Brits and will often not bother too much about the odd scratch or ding, fortunes of war you might call it.

Another reason is that, unlike in the UK where many have maximum protected NCD (don't know if the concept even exists here) and are more than willing to bang in a claim for the slightest scratch, the potential consequences of making a claim in France makes it somewhat less worthwhile. It takes I believe 13 years to earn a full discount and there is a thread here somewhere from someone who's insurance company declined her renewal because she'd had 2 fault accidents in one year.

If the car is to remain in France permanantly you will definately need Frech insurance cover, it's not an option whatever anybody else may tell you. This applies even if the car is not actually on the road but parked up somewhere on private land.

Having just recently insured our car here there is one tip I can pass along from my experience.

If you have max. NCD with your UK car insurer then get a letter from them stating just that i.e. "MAX" and not just x years or xx%. It will help you get the best price. We just missed out because of the inconsistencies with UK insurers on what constitutes max NCD. We switched to our last UK insurer earlier this year with max. NCD from the previous company but because theirs was 8 years and the current company's policy was 9 they wouldn't give us a letter saying MAX because we hadn't completed the year. Never mind the fact that my wife has been driving for nigh on 40 years and has never made a single claim!

That seemingly trivial point cost us an estimated €150 more for our insurance !  

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I am reasonable why else would I post advice and help if I can on here[Www]?

I admit to being totally intolerant to wingers, (not the Stanley Matthews type)  and chancers who risk my continued health and welfare in France,  Sometimes I wonder why I bother  after you get people who even after you apologise for a misunderstanding still have to post abuse.  Is there a nest of  posters with three initials out there just waiting to stir up trouble and take things the wrong way or is their form of identity just indicative of their characters?

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Will check with Perpignan airport and speak to the mairie next time I'm over. I just thought there may have been other forum users in the same position as myself and wondered how they had resolved the problem.

Gardian - I thought from the responses that most of the forum users were actually France resident - not secondaires like myself.


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Given that land is relatively cheap in France I would find a local,to the airport or TGV station, garage and do a deal to leave the car there.

Some years ago somebody on the forum posted leaflets through the doors of 2500 homes in Stansted to find some where to leave their car for 4 weeks while they were in France

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[quote user="banyuls diver"]

Gardian - I thought from the responses that most of the forum users were actually France resident - not secondaires like myself.[/quote]

I believe that all of the responses to this thread are France resident people.

As for Forum users in general - by no means.  Quite probably < 50%. (??)

Whatever, I keep re-reading your post to try to understand what you're driving at. 

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