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Current heat wave - condensation

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Help! Mustn't complain about the the hot weather, but my stone cottage seems to have water dripping off the walls. The cottage is sometimes shut up for a little while, does this add to the problems? All suggestions greatfully received.
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[quote]Help! Mustn't complain about the the hot weather, but my stone cottage seems to have water dripping off the walls. The cottage is sometimes shut up for a little while, does this add to the problems? A...[/quote]

Yes it does!

Ventilation is the key to a dry house. Leave windows open (with shutters closed), leave all the internal doors open, install a ventilation system like a VMC (an automatic one will cost you less than 150E if you do it yourself). Keep the air moving!


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Yes,all the holiday properties we have been in lately are dripping with condensation, made even worse too with every door shut,poor ventilation and insulation fitted and of course,the cold ceramic floors will attract it as well. I washed one floor at a finished site on saturday ready for the owners today and it was still wet last night due to the place being shut up for nearly a year.
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We leave a dehumidifier running all the time that we are not in our second home. We had a major problem with the humidity before we did this. - Works a treat. - Its on its own socket so everything else is switched off at the mains when we aren't there. If it goes off our keyholder switches it back on when she visits. Best thing we bought.  
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Or a cheaper method is to buy some salt crystals,suspend over a bucket etc and this will also draw our all the moisture. Commercial products that do the same thing are also widely available here for those who cannot leave the electric on when not in France.
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Agree that the crystal based things that draw water are also good - we use them in the upstairs bedrooms. However If you are away for anymore than 6 weeks at a time (which is when these things generally lose there effectiveness) then not so good.
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