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False Speeding Fine


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I've got a fine in the post today when I know I was not where they have said the car was (Pysically impossible that day ) I am 100% certain it is wrong. I was at work that day, at that time, and my wife was at home all day (I spoke to her during the day ), it would some 4 hours round trip to get to where the alledged incident took place and our car is new with few Kms on the clock, given that we have driven it for short trips there is NO way we could have been where they reckon we were as our Kms would be alot higher !!!!

Sounds like another example of the police being under budget so they are trying to stitch up innocent motorists !!

Any ideas how to challenge this successfully ?


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You'll find that the form you have been sent has a section for you to use to challenge the fine. I've never seen an actual form, but I think you'll find that you have to tick the box in part 3 and enclose a letter explaining why you are not liable. You also have to pay the fine provisionally. You should also request a copy of the photograph of the car - write to the office issuing the fine and include photocopies of the demand, your carte grise and a photocopy of a Photo-ID document.

Don't worry about the police trying to fill their coffers - the fines go into a road safety fund under French law.

Good luck.

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We've just had a similar experience, but with a parking fine rather than a speeding fine. Just before Christmas we received in France a notification of an "amende majorée" relating to a parking contravention which took place in March 2007, in a place that we have never visited, let alone parked and on a date when our French-registered car was actually in a (paid-for) airport car park.The registration number was obviously ours (that's how they got the address to send the fine) but the make of car noted was wrong. I suspect that either the police municipale wrote down the number incorrectly or else it was transcribed incorrectly when being entered on the information system. The procedure is different for a parking fine - they do not send the form that you evidently get with a speeding fine - so we have written to the local Officier de la Ministre Public, enclosing a copy of the carte grise of the car to establish the make, and we have obtained a copy of our airport parking receipt. On delivering the letter to the local commissariat/hotel de police (which we did to get a receipt for the letter) we were told to expect a response at any time between "a good month and a year". We are not holding our breath.



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