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Complete France Forum

WARNING Park your car properly.


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It strikes me that the French are on the whole far less "precious" about their cars than the Brits. Also, because they are not status symbols nor overt indications of penis size, they tend to keep them far longer and perhaps therefore take the pragmatic view that the odd bump and scrape is inevitable - ces la vie - so to say.

In UK on the other hand, because cars are both the above and are chopped in on a far more regular basis, owners are off to the repair shop with the slightest scratch or minor ding.

The way the insurance industry works in France, where it seems blame is not so clearly and readily apportioned and the finacial repurcussions of making a claim could be far higher, may also be a significant factor.

Or maybe they just confine themselves to worrying about things which are actually important [Www]


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[quote user="J.R."]

Might there be a simple answer like the car park was relatively empty and covered in snow when said Audi parked?


Now that wouldn't allow for the habitual running down of the british by the great brits who have left our shores to make a massive contribution to european integration would it.  So just to recap, it is ok to key any foreign car (especially french ones that have a hint of evidence they belong to expats) in the UK that is parked inappropriately because they should know better.  When inn france it is ok for me to key any french car that shows a hint of expat ownership and is parked improperly.  French drivers are great parkers of cars, but whinging expat brits are evn better, ciome to think of it whinging expats brits seem to be better at everything, except of course making a positive contribution to the country they deserted for cheap wine and greener fields.

Okay, cleared that up.....coming to a car park near you soon then :-)

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After living here for four years I am convinced that the French simply do not know how to park properly. I have watched some corkers in the car parks here and several times have witnessed a driver reversing into the front of a car parked too closely behind until it was sufficiently moved backwards for that driver to drive out of the space. I've never seen such a thing until I moved here. And they just seem to love parking vertically across two spaces!


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