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Driving someone else's car


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A question arose in an earlier (lengthy and heated) thread about cars here in France still with UK plates. Please don't post any replies on that subject here!!

So, the question was - is it legal for a French resident to drive a UK registered car not belonging to him/her? eg your family comes to visit and you borrow the car.

And another question - is it legal for a UK resident to drive a French registered car? eg the same hypothetical family come to visit and one one them borrows your car.

In both cases consent is granted by the vehicle owner.

I couldn't work it out from the earlier thread (pages of it) so I'm hoping SD will come along and give me the clear and concise answer.


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As always, check with each insurance agent......but...

On a personal note our insurance agent (in France) has made it quite clear to us that any member of our family or friends...be they French / English or from wherever and have the relevent driving licence and of course our permission to use the car, would be insured to the same level of insurance we have paid including driving within Europe. For GB or Cyprus nationals they must sign their name on the green insurtance certificate in the space on the left hand side.

As an example for a French resident , my husband (lives in France) was insured on his fathers policy (lives in Uk) to drive his fathers car within Europe.

Hope this gives a couple of examples....

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The difference being that in the UK a driver is insured, wheras in most European countries it is the car that is insured. I know that in Germany and France the isurance covers any driver, but there are sure to be exceptions to that.

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Thanks Sola.

BobT: yes that's my understanding too (in France, car covered not the driver). I can't understand why someone 'pimpernel' I think, said it was illegal. I'm trying to clarify this.

Still hoping for a definitive response from SD ! [;-)]


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This probably isn't very helpful, but talking to an AXA agent he said any driver would be insured, with permission, but then having insured with alo@ and asking the same question he said that the vehicle was only insured for the named drivers with 2 exceptions

1)  If the driver was taken ill it was permitted for a driver with his/her own insurance to drive the car

2) (Very strange) If you were on a long journey and felt that further driving was dangerous, a passenger could continue the journey!

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To answer your questions about driving foreign registered vehicles:

"is it legal for a French resident to drive a UK registered car not belonging to him/her? eg your family comes to visit and you borrow the car."

A French resident may not drive a foreign registered car in France - except where the vehicle belongs to a visiting family member and that visiting family member is present. Your Uncle Jimmy dropping off his old car here in France for you to drive whilst he goes home does not qualify.

"is it legal for a UK resident to drive a French registered car? eg the same hypothetical family come to visit and one one them borrows your car."

The visiting UK resident may drive a French registered car here in the same way that a foreign visitor can drive a French Hertz rental car...

The question of insurance cover is a different issue.  As mentioned by others, French policies cover the vehicle and another driver has the same level of cover as the policyholder, subject to any age/experience restrictions and excesses.  Regarding a French resident driving a visiting UK vehicle, then it'll be subject to the terms and conditions of the UK insurance policy.


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