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Buying Land

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I believe the planning laws in France have become very strict with septic tanks etc., and because of this it is difficult to obtain planning permission to build unless one connects to the main sewer.  (Please stop me there if I am wrong).  Also, I am planning to buy land to build and am confused eg.,

Is land ever sold with outline planning? 

What is the position with regards to drainage?

If planning permission is granted does it expire after 5 years?

Please could some kind person sort my head out???


Maxi !!


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Planning permission on building land is sometimes obtained by the seller, but more likely (and if looked at sensibly, mandatory for the buyer) is a Certificat d'urbanism - essentially outline planning permission. It will identify whether the land can be built upon and what sort of property can be built on it. If the land you are looking at does not have a CdU, then make successful application a clause suspensive in the Compromis - it costs nothing.

If there is no mains drainage, then you must be able to install a septic tank (to latest standards) this will depend on a soil survey & again, can be part of the CdU. If you haven't got/can't install drainage or a septic tank, then the chances are that the land can't be built upon.

Planning permission expires after 2 years (I believe) a CdU expires (ie you must apply for a Permis de Consuire (planing permission)) after 1 year, but can be renewed (once). Thereafter you must reapply (bearing in mind that something may have changed, there is no guarantee that the CdU or PdC will be granted again).

I don't think that there are any particular difficulties in obtaining PP (or a CdU) - at least it is free (and takes about 4 months depending on the area).

Can't help with your head, too bloody hot.

Where are you looking?


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