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letter from tresorerie

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can anyone help

I have been sent the bill for water connection. on one part it says

LIBELLEZ  obligatoirement le cheque ou le mandat a l'ordre du TRESOR PUBLIC, dans votre interet n'envoyez en aucun cas un cheue sans indication du beneficiaire ainsi que des references de la creance dont vous vous acquittez.

what does this mean.do i write on the cheque to TRESOR PUBLIC.


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Yes make it out to the Tresor Public. It also means that they want the reference numbers etc.

I always do a belt and braces and mark all the references numbers on the back of the cheque itself and what the payment is for. If there isn't a tear off bit on the bill to include with the cheque, I send a photocopy of the bill with the cheque too.


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Another thing is that I never ever post anything to the Trésor Public direct into their letterbox if it on the gate or door. Twice I passed and put cheques in envelopes addressed to them and twice these got lost which resulted in a lot of phone calls to CA head office to inform them and new cheques to be written as cancelling a cheque in France is very expensive and not usual. Like TU I have learned over the years to put as much info as poss on payments along with complete photocopies of the whole bill so that no errors can be made and contrary to advice by the Post office that no staples be used, I always staple the bits together then fit in the bottom corner of the envelopes and not the top side.
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