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White rear numberplates....


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........what's the significance?

We saw LOADS this visit, and the local supermarket fuel caissier said they were just "frimeurs" who fitted them because they looked nice, but were risking a proces by so doing.

Then, on the return journey to the UK, we saw lots more, often on newer cars driven by VERY non-poseur types.

So what's the REAL story, anyone?

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I'm just glad there are now more about, as when I re-registered my UK car last August and popped into my local Leclerc to get the new plates, the woman on the counter said I'd have to have white rear plates as it's been the law since last March or whenever. Frankly, I remembered hearing it had changed but I thought I'd heard it was an alternative, not compulsory. Anyway, I wasn't too worried either way, but since getting my plates I've seen very few other cars similarly plated and I was beginning to think I'd been misinformed, although I couldn't for the life of me imagine why.

Still, if it's becoming much more common, as you say, then I shall stop worrying.............[:D]

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Just re-registered car and camper, and assured by the plate-makers that the colour is now optional, I believe part of the overhaul of the registration system which will obviate re-registration when moving departments as from next year.

Car has yellow rear plate and camper has white, both examined closely by the gendarmes without any comment!

The white plates are very common here in 17 lately - I'd guess between one-third and one-half of all new numbers (new and re-registered) are white.

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