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Selling a French registered LHD car in UK to someone moving to France


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Hi everyone,

I'm a new member and have had a look through the Driving in France forum but haven't come across an answer to my question (yet!).

What is the best way to sell a French registered LHD car in UK to someone moving to France. Is there a website specifically for this?

It would be the ideal solution for someone moving out there so I can't imaging there isn't one.

I was going to keep my car, convert it and re-register it in the UK but all the hassle & paperwork have put me right off!

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Good advice, depending to some extent on what it is of course.

Having said that the practicalities of doing so may prove even more hassle than selling in UK so ultimately eBay might be the course of least resistance with less chance of comebacks, buyer beware and all that.


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If you have a French carte grise, particularly if it is in your name, and the vehicle has not been officially exported and has the required amount of CT then there need be no problem whatsoever. Even if it doesn't meet these specifications it should still be possible, as long as it can be proved that the vehicle is kosher- i.e. not stolen etc, which should be simple with a certificate de non gage.


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[quote user="Carlucian"]What is the best way to sell a French registered LHD car in UK to someone moving to France. Is there a website specifically for this?

[/quote]If you find out (or yours is a six or more seater!) then I'd be interested!  It's not just people moving who look for French registered vehicles but also people who have a holiday home and would like to keep a car in France.....

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  • 5 weeks later...


We are moving to France permanently in April and are looking to buy a second hand LH drive car- preferably an estate, we have a car to sell, so could be a swop if anyone was interested.

Has anyone come across a web site aimed at people like us??


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Thanks Panda will look on there, I have googled LHD but was not getting the sites that I thought I would, sometimes its easier to ask someone else and save hours trawling the net. I have had lots of nice responses to previous queeries and no doubt will ask lots more before I get settled in France, aren't Forums great!

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