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Best guess what it is: a type of mould, caused by damp.

How to stop it? buy a dehumidifier and put it in the room affected. Ours extracted 32 litres of water in 2 and a half days!

You could also buy and fit a VMC. (Ventilateur Mechanique Central)

I'd also wash down the rear of anything affected with a weak Javel or other bleach solution to discourage it's growth again.

I'll now wait to be shot down for this advice, knowiong this site as I do


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Sounds like good old mildew. Dosn't matter whether your house is 250 years old or 20 years old, if it is not lived in/properly ventilated and insulated it will suffer. A local friend went to the Uk for a month at xmas, her home here is a typical neo-Breton house with 5 bedrooms and lived in daily. When she returned, her own bed coverings and all the upstairs rooms were covered in this green mildew. No heating,being shut up for a month and poor ventilation probably to blame.
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