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Contrôle technique : date


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The last time I arranged a CT I had some problem in finding a date, and

I asked the centre manager whether there was any flexibility in the

rules : for example, if the anniversary was the 20th, could I have

until the end of the month to arrange the test?

He was very firm.  No, Monsieur, he said, if the test hasn't been done,

and you drive the car on the 21st, you are committing an offence.

I had no reason to disbelieve him and I still haven't, but I am

wondering how this might be enforced.  As far as I can see, the

vignette on the windscreen shows only the month, not the day.  In order

to know the precise date you would have to see either the procès-verbal

or the invoice, and I don't know of any requirement to produce either

of these on request.

This is not just idle curiosity : I'm in the process of selling my car

to a dealer, and if I can get the date right I might be able to save

the cost of the next test.  But I'll need to be able to drive the car

legally up to the last minute.
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On the rear of the Certificat d' immatriculation (carte grise) there are a series of small boxes and one of these is filled oin every time a CT is done.

You would get found out if you were stopped in a routine document check for example.

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You say you have a specific reason for wringing it out which is fine but otherwise, for the sake of up to 1 month in 24, why do people insist on taking it to the wire ?

I never could understand people in UK waiting to the last day for their MOT then going into panic mode when their car failed and was going to be off the road for the next week. They save nothing because if you do it early you can get an up to 13 month MOT, not a lot of people know that [:D]

I always used to do mine 2-4 weeks in advance but I have to say I can't remember the last time I had a fail [:$]


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[quote user="ErnieY"]I never could understand people in UK waiting to the last day for their MOT then going into panic mode when their car failed and was going to be off the road for the next week. They save nothing because if you do it early you can get an up to 13 month MOT, not a lot of people know that [/quote]

That's a civilized idea.  I'm fairly sure you can't do that in France, which means that it's impossible to get the full 365 days of validity that you're paying for every year - which may explain why people do it at the last minute here.  At least that way you get as many days as possible.


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[quote user="allanb"][quote user="ErnieY"]I never could understand people in UK waiting ....  if you do it early you can get an up to 13 month MOT, not a lot of people know that [/quote]

That's a civilized idea.  I'm fairly sure you can't do that in France, which means that it's impossible to get the full 365 days of validity that you're paying for every year - which may explain why people do it at the last minute here.  At least that way you get as many days as possible.[/quote]

Err ... as pointed out above, the French CT is valid for 2 years, not one. But yes, you can't get it done in advance. We have never had a problem with getting the inspections carried out - some places do them without appointment.



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It is of course every drivers responsibility to maintain his or her vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition.

The only meaningful definition of that can be that it should be able to pass a CT at any time, not just every 2 years, and as we know the French scrupulously maintain their cars to that degree that is why they have no need of an overlap and can afford to wring the last day out of their CT's [Www]

Whilst we all like to save money €64 a pop for a 2 year CT works out to 8.77c per day or 61c per week and I sincerely hope nobody here is living that close to the breadline [:-))]



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[quote user="Pickles"]Err ... as pointed out above, the French CT is valid for 2 years, not one...[/quote]Sorry.  I couldn't face the thought of multiplying 365 by 2.

I agree with Ernie's comment about the cost.  Having lived in a few other places, I am very happy to be in a country where every car coming towards me has probably had its steering and brakes checked.

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="allanb"]I am very happy to be in a country where every car coming towards me has probably had its steering and brakes checked.


Even if it was two years ago !


Yes - two years ago is still better than not at all!

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