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Heads up for GPS in Switzerland


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If you actually read it carefully, its a catch all to stop somebody saying that the device they had which which detected radar speed traps was only a GPS system.  To me this is no different to the laws in UK and France that ban the use of devices that are used to detect speed cameras particularly mobile ones by specific radar detection rather than as with most route finders and GPS systems that merely notify of the position of fixed cameras.  I don't think any EU produced car has fitted, as standard, a GPS that can detect a mobile speed check, but maybe there are and so would not be legal in Switzerland, France or the UK.


EDIT  Just seen Paul's post, if you go through a village at more than 20kph over the 50, you deserve to be fined, in some checks round here thery have withdrawn licenses immediately from those who have not slowed down from doing 90.........

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

I think it's pretty well known that all car speedos over read to certain degree, usually somewhere between 5 and 10%, it is not permissable for them to under read.

For instance, by comparing mine with my Sat Nav and also by means of timed and measured motorway runs (see, you can find things to keep your mind alert on those boring 600km runs from Calais [;-)]) I know my own speedo under reads by 7%.


Yes, we all know what you meant to type....[;-)]

I can't see any point in Paul getting his speedo checked.  It's designed to read higher than his actual speed, so if he doesn't exceed the limit 'on the clock', then he won't exceed the limit on the road.  If he does inadvertantly trickle over by a few kph, then the camera tolerance allows for that.


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When I was talking to a French HGV driver about tolerances on UK speed cameras of +10% to account for speedo inaccuracies, and  he told me that there is no tolerance on fixed French speed cameras, over the limit and you get a fine.

I have no evidenvce of this although I did get fined for 117kmh in a 110kph limit in Toulouse near the airport.  If there was a tolerance of +10% it would have allowed 121kph wouldn't it?

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These were the published margins (Securite Routiere)  in 2006 for fixed radars in France.

It was rumoured that mobiles allowed a slightly greater tolerance.

Limitation de vitesseMarge
Contrôle positif à

So it really wasn't Ron's day!
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Is this law along the sames lines as that which states you must have a certain 'disc' paid for and displayed on your windscreen when travelling through Suisse?

We never bothered when travelling there for two weeks last year, covering several of it's borders, cities and towns, and nothing was ever said to us. Actually the border folk were not even interested in the traffic to-ing and fro-ing. The border with France at porte-de-Geneva was unattended and the french border with Italy the same.


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]Yes, we all know what you meant to type....[;-)][/quote]You may have jumped to the wrong conclusion on this one SD.

My [;-)] was not to suggest that by boring I meant relieving it by not observing the speed limt but an obviously far too subtle hint referring to a thread elsewhere (flippin ?), which you yourself contributed to, in which one or two posters were castigating me for openly admitting driving long distances with only Pee & Petrol stops with one evidently "peaked" individual ludicrously suggesting that, simply because lorry drivers hours were governed by law, by driving for periods in excess of that I was some sort of recidivist anti social homicidal maniac, and actually said I should be shot for it. [:-))]

Perhaps he's a lorry driver [blink]


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As far as tolerance is concerned, I had a trip to the U.K. a couple of weeks ago and did the 1058K to Boulogne in 1 step with fuel and meal breaks thrown in. Also stops to ease my poor old bones. On the way back I was flashed on the autoroute. The fine arrived within a few daze and stated that my speed was 138K in a 130 limit. The tolerance was 1K, i.e. anything over 131K was flashed and fined! It was on a downhill stretch and the cruise control was struggling to keep my speed to the 134 which it was set. That gives me a true speed of 130K. The fine has been paid and that, I hope is the last I will hear of it???

So at 130 the tolerance is only 1Kph. Not a lot. It was not necessary to exceed the speed limit even for that distance in the timetable we had.

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

[quote user="Sunday Driver"]Yes, we all know what you meant to type....[;-)][/quote]You may have jumped to the wrong conclusion on this one SD.

My [;-)] was not to suggest that by boring I meant relieving it by not observing the speed limt but an obviously far too subtle hint referring to a thread elsewhere (flippin ?), which you yourself contributed to, in which one or two posters were castigating me for openly admitting driving long distances with only Pee & Petrol stops with one evidently "peaked" individual ludicrously suggesting that, simply because lorry drivers hours were governed by law, by driving for periods in excess of that I was some sort of recidivist anti social homicidal maniac, and actually said I should be shot for it. [:-))]

Perhaps he's a lorry driver [blink]


No wrong conclusions on my part - you don't seem to have read my post. 

You stated that it was not permitted for speedos to under read, then went on to say "I know my own speedo under reads by 7%".  I merely made a lighthearted comment about this.  That's all.

The rest of your post will be meaningless to everyone else here....[8-)]


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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

As far as tolerance is concerned, I had a trip to the U.K. a couple of weeks ago and did the 1058K to Boulogne in 1 step with fuel and meal breaks thrown in. Also stops to ease my poor old bones. On the way back I was flashed on the autoroute. The fine arrived within a few daze and stated that my speed was 138K in a 130 limit. The tolerance was 1K, i.e. anything over 131K was flashed and fined! It was on a downhill stretch and the cruise control was struggling to keep my speed to the 134 which it was set. That gives me a true speed of 130K. The fine has been paid and that, I hope is the last I will hear of it???

So at 130 the tolerance is only 1Kph. Not a lot. It was not necessary to exceed the speed limit even for that distance in the timetable we had.


Regardless of what your cruise control was struggling to maintain, your actual speed was reported at 138kph.  There is a 7kph tolerence for that speed range, so you were 'done' for 131kph.

Just how precise is cruise control in maintaining an exact speed?  I wouldn't like to trust it by setting it to a speed that I estimate to be the exact legal limit. Why not just set your cruise control to 130kph and leave yourself with a more sensible margin.?


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