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Classic Car Insurance in France


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I have successfully imported a 1975 MGB and 1983 Honda into France and have French number plates (if you need advice on what's involved let me know).  It's now time to insure them, I've contacted a number of insurance companies and they all need a certificate of valuation beforethey can calculate the cost of the insurace.  I understand there is an organisation called the VGA (Voiture Grandement Accidente) who will value your car.  I cannot find any reference to them anywhere in the internet nor can I find any reference to any other way of getting a valuation.

Does anyone out there know how I can get my cars valued?


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First who have you spoken to about insuring your cars, would be interested as I have three MGs and a Jaguar to bring over.

If you had classic insurance in the UK, did you not have a valuation done for this, for the classic insurance, could you not use this valuation.

Would be interested in the out come.



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I've spoken to the following:

www.sm3a.fr   www.assurance-bailly.fr   http://www.assurancesclavel.com/   legande Assurance and http://www.mascotte-assurances.com/

Some are more helpful than others, I think I'll be going with http://www.mascotte-assurances.com/ as they will accept valuations done from photos by http://www.retro-expertise.com/

I did have classic insurance in the U.K. with agreed valuations but a) these were in English and I would have to get them translated and b) most insurance companies want you to get the cars valued by an authorised valuer (I haven't found a local one yet), www.sm3a.fr gave me the phone numbers of 2, both 200Km away and to take my cars to them would cost 200 euros in petrol.

The problem with taking the cars to a valuer is that I need insurance to drive them and I can't get insurance with out having first visited a valuer, of course I could take out the minimum cover (civil resposibilite i.e. 3rd party only) but that seems risky.

As I said I have imported my cars and if you require any help let me know.

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This may be a little late…. Apologies, but the server issues on this forum kept me from replying sooner alas!

I have had my Corvette insured for a few years with ICC Assurances  http://www.iccassurances.fr/icc_collection.html.   They will insure a classic vehicle with or without an agreed value.  However, the value should the car be a total loss is fairly small, and that affects the amount they might pay in an accident.

But they will arrange the valuation to allow and “agreed value” insurance.  This is done via a form and photographs…  It’s nothing too difficult, photos from all angles, plus engine and interior and the completion of a reasonably details questionnaire about the condition of the car.  It costs about 30 Euros I think.  The cost of the insurance goes up (needless to say) but you have the piece of mind that you’ll get what the car is worth if the worst happens. Incidentally, the valuation for the Corvette was more than it was in the UK, which is usual with Corvettes here, but not sure about other makes.

Mascotte  http://www.mascotte-assurances.com/   also offer both types of insurance, with the same limitations.   They will also arrange valuation via Auto Expertise  http://www.mascotte-assurances.com/

Again, this is by form and photographs, and is nothing that should be too difficult to any classic car owner.  

There is no need to take the car anywhere, unless you want a photogenic location! 

Incidentally, neither company appears to restrict “classic” insurance to Vehicles du Collection, which may be helpful.  In my case our Vette is on a VC Carte Gris, for reasons I won’t bore you with!   For those interested though, it’s a whole lot easier to register a car as a VC, provided it’s old enough.
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Although I got my MG registered back in December for various logistical reasons I only managed to get round to a professional valuation a week or so ago. Based on an existing MGOC valuation It was insured for a nominal 10.000Euro in the interim.

Fortunately I was put in touch with a local expert via my local car club and he came to my house. He was very thorough and we even went to one of the garages in the village to put her on a ramp to have her private parts examined !

The result was a comprehensive bound document (2 copies) with colour photos etc. with a description of "Exceptionel" and a valuation of 15,000Euro, very pleasing !

At 250Euro it was rather expensive but included in that is the opportunity to have it renewed periodically as neccessary (2 years for my particular insurer) for a nominal 50Euro.

To find a valuer in your area you could start off with the MG Club in France the site is not very well maintained but some of the contacts should still be valid.

Incidentally, I was easily able to insure my car on UK plates whilst I was in the process of registering it and once I had my French number I simply sent them a copy of the Carte Gris and they reissued the insurance document.

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Thanks for the info I will be contacting the MG club of France.  I must say though 250 euros is expensive for a valuation no matter how professional it is.  I have an MG, a Sunbeam and a motorbike so on this basis I would be paying 750 euros - alot of money however you look at it.
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I agree, 250Euro is a lot and I made the basic mistake of not asking the price beforehand, he was coming via the local club and an MG owner himself etc. so I expected maybe 100/150, I've put it down as part of the learning experience [8-|]

Coops, 'Vette fan are we ?

Got a pal in UK who restores them, proper job too................

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

Coops, 'Vette fan are we ?

Got a pal in UK who restores them, proper job too................

[/quote]Er, just a bit.  In fact, American Muscle cars in general, although this is my fave really


but I don't have $500k going spare at the moment.[:(]  A Saleen hat signed by the man himself is the best I can do.

In fact I think I probably know Mr R Dwarf, although it's always tough to tell with forum names etc.

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