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Help - lost carte grise -

milkeybar kid

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Just received a plea of help from friends that have returned permanent to UK just last week  -they have managed to part exchange French car but the English Garage need log book or as in this situation Carte Grise, even to scrap the car it cant be done without document - they are in a nightmare situation -please has anyone an idea what they can do? They were living  in area 33 Gironde if they wrote to Prefecture would that be any use - again , please does anyone know the address . Thank you .Mrs MBK

"Quote "[+o(]

I have lost the Carte Grise

 I have in my possession the bill of sale from the garage where I bought the car in France.

The Attestation of the transfer of the Carte Grise when I first bought the car.

Current Controle Technique (18 months old)

Current Insurance.
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Tell them to apply to the préfecture for a duplicate carte grise.  The address is Préfecture de la Gironde, Esplanade Charles de Gaulle -33077 BORDEAUX Cedex

The full procedure for lost cartes grises can be found [url=http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F1726.xhtml?&n=Transports&l=N18&n=Automobiles%20et%20deux-roues&l=N529&n=Papiers%20du%20v%C3%A9hicule&l=N533&n=Carte%20grise&l=N367]HERE[/url].


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  • 4 weeks later...
They have sent a a cheque of 29 € and an envelope with  address “en recommandé” enclosed for the papers coming back. Different charge for different areas .Also sent quote-

Je vous envoie, en pièces jointes, les papiers de la Déclaration de Perte en 3 exemplaires, ainsi qu’une photocopie de mon Passeport, une facture justificative de l’adresse de mon domicile en France, la photocopie du Contrôle Technique, la facture d’achat du véhicule, la photocopie de l’Attestation de Transfert de Carte Grise, la photocopie du Certificat de Mariage, ainsi qu’un chèque d’un montant de…….

 All papers arrived yesterday [:D]-at their English address - they wish me to say thank you.

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