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Licence Jaune


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I have started volunteering with the Croix Rouge as a secouriste. At a meeting last night it was suggested that I apply for a "Licence Jaune" which would enable me to drive the mobile first aid post/ambulance. I know I have to go to the sous prefecture for a form, and that I have to have a medical and a blood test. What I don't know is whether or not I will have to change my British licence for a French one, or what the medical and blood test involve.

Has anyone else been through this? Any info gratefully received.

Thank you,

FairyNuff [8-|]

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Hi Fairy Nuff

I have just received my Licence Jaune, but under very different circumstances.  I am a SPV and the medical for that was very strict, so I don't know to what level it would be applied for someone in your situation.  The blood test itself is very straightforward, and I doubt that in itself would be a problem.  What I would advise you to do is go to the sous-prefecture to get the form, and ask (if they don't give you it anyway) for a list of the recognised doctors for such medicals, as only those on the authorised list can do them.  It is a seperate and different fee normally for medicals, and not reimbursable by the CPAM.

I had already changed my licence, but doubt that you would HAVE to, but don't count on it!

Hope this helps[:D]

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Thank you for the reply, I knew someone would have some information. From the licence jaune I was quickly shown it might well be the same thing as your SPV (what does that stand for?). As you say, I'll ust have to go into the sub-prefecture and speak to them. I'll let you know how I get on.

FairyNuff [8-|]

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I've been to the sous-prefecture to-day, the lady there gave me the form to fill in, the medical declaration, along with the document to change my licence to a French one. She also gave me a list of the documents required, and a list of agreed translators, although the instruction sheet doesn't mention the need for a translation! I'm still thinking about whether I'm going to apply for a licence jaune or not, I think I need a bit more experience of driving over here - I still get a little bit 'twitchy' when I meet someone coming the other way down the narrow local roads, and that's in a wee Kangoo! [:$]


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