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speeding fine on uk licence


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Hi all, done a back check but failed to get the info required, as far as i can see. Got caught doing 82 kmh in a 50 kmh zone , i know how bad that is before i get pelters [:(] but i need to know if i now have to change my UK licence for a french one because of the points i have recieved.

 It states ' perte de points du permis de conduire'   OUI   in the white box but no reference to how many. Checked the back of the Avis de contravention, as advised previously on the forum, but no sign of any totals or tables of reference. Can someone supply me with any info ? It is also a company van, does that create any special differences ? I sent of the chq yesterday for 90 euro. Many thanks, Hugh.

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If they want you to change your license to a french one in order to deduct the points you will either get a letter about it in the post,or a visit from the gendarmes, delivering said letter. Probably not for ages though.
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A visit to our house by the gerndarmes, six weeks to the day after the event in my wifes case. Licence change required for two points. You have to produce the new licence at the police station as soon as your new licence arrives. They photocopy and return it to you.
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[quote user="Cat"]

Doing 82 in a 50 limit would mean 3 points (it's on the back of your FORMULAIRE DE REQUÊTE EN EXONÉRATION, in green).



....and the seriousness of this offence means there's more to come  [:(]


Code de la route Art R413-14: 

Section 1 : Vitesses maximales autorisées Sanctions excès de vitesse

II. - Toute personne coupable de l'infraction de dépassement de la vitesse maximale autorisée de 30 km/h ou plus encourt également les peines complémentaires suivantes :

1° La suspension, pour une durée de trois ans au plus, du permis de conduire, cette suspension pouvant être limitée à la conduite en dehors de l'activité professionnelle ;

2° L'interdiction de conduire certains véhicules terrestres à moteur, y compris ceux pour la conduite desquels le permis de conduire n'est pas exigé, pour une durée de trois ans au plus ;

3° L'obligation d'accomplir, à ses frais, un stage de sensibilisation à la sécurité routière.

III. - Toute contravention prévue au présent article donne lieu de plein droit à une réduction du nombre de points du permis de conduire dans les conditions suivantes :

2° En cas de dépassement de la vitesse maximale autorisée compris entre 30 km/h et moins de 40 km/h, réduction de trois points ;


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[quote user="LyndaandRichard"]Do you have to change licenses for 1 point too? I got a 40€ (ish) fine doing 100 in a 90 about 4 months ago. Sent the money off but not done anything regarding my licence. Thought if they wanted it, they can do the chasing.


LR See patf's post above.  I have clocked up "a few" single points and not had a visit yet, they were all in different departments, but I doubt that makes a difference to getting a visit or not. 

The general advice is to do nothing until told to change your License, they are obviously much tougher on this in the English enclaves...[:P]  Hang on is that a knock on the door[:-))]

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