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Trading in car in UK


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My present car is RHD , French plates , I have been here two years.

If I trade it in , in the UK , obviously it will be up to the garage to re-register it in the UK.

Do I need to notify any office in France ?

I know  whatever car I get , I will have to go through re-registering in France.

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Unless you are moving back to the UK and keeping the car yourself and registering it there in your own name, you should treat the sale in exactly the same way as if you were selling it in France.  That means you must complete a certificat de cession and send a copy off to your prefecture.  It tells them you are no longer the owner of the vehicle and they will deregister your name and address. 

It means you won't be chased for all the speeding fines if the garage or the subsequent buyer omit to register it with the DVLA or just sell it to someone moving across to France. 

After all, you know how many expat chancers there are who'll pour their hard earned savings into tarting up a crumbling ruin, but will do anything to avoid paying the vehicle registration costs here...[;-)]


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It was a tounge in cheek question although badly put I'm afraid [:$]

I do still wonder though if the real value will be realised if a UK dealer has to re-register it before being able to sell it on. Dealers do not usually do this, they just notify DVLA that a vehicle is 'in trade', plus of course if they do register it themselves it puts another owner on the record potentially reducing it's value.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I have done a deal , contacted a few dealers most said go away but a few said yes.

They all only offer "Glasses guide price".So I am now back in France with a UK car to register again , thankfully this time I know the ropes thanks to SD.

And a plus my French insurance said no increase for a higher group car ....UK insurance would want lots more dosh .[:)]

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Hi T-F.

There are dealers in the UK who specialize in selling L-H-D vehicles, that's exactly what a past member did when he moved over here unfortunately he never had much chance to drive it as he was tragically killed shortly after moving here.

You may have a chance to part chop your RHD motor for a left hooker.

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