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Carte grise for new car purchase


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The small print on a new car purchase that I am about to make says this .....

"Le tarif du véhicule indiqué comprend le tarif H.T. du véhcule, la TVA en vigueur, notre commission (de 4 à 8% selon le modèle et la provenance) et tous frais en vue de l'obtention de la carte grise française. Ce prix ne comprend pas les frais de séquestre (a), la carte grise définitive, la vignette (pour les sociétés). Le solde devra se faire par chèque de banque (chèque émis au guichet)."

Anyone know what the difference is between the two types of carte grise mentioned? I am particularly interested to know because I will need to pay some 'malus ecologique' and dont know whether that is included when they say tous frais en vue de l'obtention de la carte grise française.

I have asked them the question by email but wonder if anyone has any wisdom on the matter :-)






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They are saying the total price for the vehicle comprises the list price, the TVA, their commission according to the model and source of supply, and any expenses incurred in obtaining the French carte grise.  The price does not include the fee for the actual carte grise or (for companies) the vignette.

The above suggests you are using a commission charging agent/intermediary rather than purchasing directly from a motor dealer.  The bonus/malus ecologique is normally factored into the dealer's sticker price for the car, so you'll need to check this side of things.



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