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Read the link you posted....[8-)] 

The second item on the application form states:

Chèque bancaire ou mandat Cash à l’ordre du Régisseur des Recettes de la DRIRE d’un montant de :

. 67,38 Euros si le véhicule est administrativement usagé (déjà immatriculé à l’étranger)

- 37,81 Euros si le véhicule est neuf



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I went through the DRIRE route and, apart from the slowness, it was pain-free.

The only surprise I got (although it should have been anticipated), was that they wanted to see 'proof' that I'd adjusted the headlamps.

A facture from the local garage did the trick.

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[quote user="Bob T"]Don't be so tight! £105 is cheaper than a years road tax so you will save every year.


True, but £105 is expensive just to look up the vehicle on a computer system, print off and post a piece of paper (and trust me that's all that's involved).

I recently needed a CoC for a Kia and they produced it free of charge.

Richard T

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just been looking at the French merc site they will do a coc for less than the UK office , but for UK cars they want proof re the headlamps and the speedo , not to sure as my French is not good and putting the site through a translator came out with some odd words.


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I applied to the Limoges  Drire office and they have returned my paperwork along with this list which appears to be the latest list of paperwork they now require.

Ve'hicules importer conformes
A une reception par type nationals franVaise ou une reception europeenne


La lists compl6te des documents A fournir pour l'immatriculation du vdhicule pent titre obtenue en prefecture ou sur le site internet : www.service-public.fr


n         Les Etats membres de l'Union europdenne (UE) sont les suivants:

Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Chypre (partie grecque), Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gr&e, Hongrie, Irlande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malts, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, R6publique tch&que, Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Slovaquie, Slovdnie, Suede.

n         Les pays de l'Espace 6conomique europden (EEE) sont les suivants : les Etats membres de l'Union europdenne ainsi que les pays ci apr6s : Irlande, Liechtenstein, Norvege.

Pour les Whicules importer non conforms de VUE ou de VEEE, la pr6sente fiche tient compte des principes du droit communautaire introduits par la Communication interpretative 2007IC68104 du 14 fivrier 2007 de la Commission Europgenne concernant les procedures d'immatriculation des Whicules originaires d'un autre Etat membre.

Voitures particuli&W importdes conformes A un type rdceptionn6, quel que soft le pays de provenance.
Whicules usages ages de moins de 25 ans.



* Abrdviations des genres : VP





Piece 1

Demands d'identification dement renseignde (cf models ci-joint)


Piece 2

Titre de circulation du vdhicule daps le pays de provenance






Document officiel prouvant l'origine de propridtd du vdhicule et certifiant que le titre de

circulation du v6hicule A W retire par le pays d'origine,


certificat international pour automobile en cours de validitd ddlivrd par les autoritds du pays



Piece 3

Proc6s verbal de contr6le technique du vdhicule acceptd et valide, dtabli par un centre agree

par la prefecture pour les voitures particuli&es et vdhicules utilitaires de moins de 3,5 tonnes,

de plus de 4 ans.


Piece 4

Pour les vdhicules de la CEE :



- certificat d'acquisition ddlivrd par les services fiscaux (quitus fiscal)



Pour les vdhicules hors CEE :



-           certificat de dddouanement (formulaire n° 846-A)


Piece 5

Titre de            paiement           :           Cheque bancaire           ou mandat cash de            67,38   euros    A         l'ordre du




RTI01.2           version 01.02.2008     


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]To comply with the code, a speedo must indicate the vehicle's speed in kms/hr[/quote]My MGB's speedo is in MPH only but passed it's CT without comment so they either didn't notice or didn't care which was fine by me [:D]


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With the hope that we can move to France, I asked Jaguar if they could supply this bl   dy CoC that the French seem insistant on it was supplied free of charge and sent to me by special delivery, what about that, knowing what price Jaguar parts are, I was told if I had gone to Land Rover their sister company I would have had to pay £95 for the same thing, so this document is just another money making scheme.


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I've just registered a UK Merc C180 here in Haute-Vienne; Patrick Launay (the Mercedes dealer in Limoges will do the inspection and provide the necessary attestation. An MPH speedo with secondary KPH markings is fine, BUT MB France want €125 for the CofC. The Carte Grise will cost you €33.28 per CV fiscal. The sticky on re-registering your car gives full and clear information.

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100 euro is a bargain! Just parted with 600 to Fiat France for my CoC for Fiat Ducato motorhome. 230 to Hobby and still have to pay Veritas, Control Technique and DRIRE!! Paid 100 euro to Mercedes for my 15 year old car , quick service and no problems. For my 600 euro might have to wait so time the lady in the garage tells me , the longest wait so far is 6 months ! Definately an easy way to make money !!!!!!
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Whilst I agree it can seem a lot to fork out just to register a car don't forget that you would have to go through similar hoops if importing a foreign car into UK, plus of course you then have the ongoing annual road tax which, apart from the shoebox on wheels micro vehicles, is between £120 and £400 - and due to escalate. At least in France you only pay once [:D]

Out of interest the DfT site seems to give a detailed and concise inventory of the requirements on a single page than the hopping about neccessary with the usual DVLA site.

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Whilst I agree it is a one of I still think it is the manufacturers who are profiteering ! Given some charge nothing some a nominal fee and others such as Fiat 600 euro ! Maybe Europe should set the fee too !!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway has to be done!

Am hoping Sunday Driver or someone else with a motorhome over 3500 ton is out there with the answer. Am looking for the speed limit discs for the back of the van. Where can I buy them please ! Am trying to sort out anything I can no matter how small so am ready to get moving when paperwork arrives !! We are using a man in Creuse who does small van conversions to make changes to our van and to compile the dossier. He was recommended by the lady in the DRIRE office in Brive as she said his paperwork is never refused. Also he is authorized to do theVeritas checks so no need to go there [:D] He has been very helpful a given us a devis for all necessry changes and preparing the dossier so if works out ok will ask if he minds his details being posted on the net [:)]

Many thanks in advance [:D]

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Who is organising your Fiat certificate for you?  A friend of mine with a Ducato based camping car recently paid Fiat France 117,20€ for the certificate.  If a garage is doing this for you, then they're loading up the price a bit......[:-))]

You can obtain adhesive speed discs from any truck dealer or motor factor who deals with trucks (PL).



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Went to the Fiat garage in Brive where we normally have the van serviced. Was a bit taken aback at the price but assumed it was set by Fiat !! Will be back if that is not the case !


Thanks for the sticker info [:)]

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