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Bikers beware!!


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All new camera locations in france are now rear-facing for the very same reason.

Just don't try and tell me, like the muppet on the film, that these are solely for improving safety, instead of simple income-earners.

£200 a minute is currently being collected in the UK and yet the accident rate hasn't really changed .

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It's always been much easier to identify the cars though hasn't it...

You are trying to tell me that the only reason the wonderful British police are making money out of the motorist BB?

I find this very difficult to believe. Mind you there are faries at the bottom of our garden. They live near our flying pig.[8-)]

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I'm glad to hear that the playing field is being levelled and bikers equally targetted as the car driver, too many seem to regard themselves as completely above the law and the lack of front number plate just encourages it. The decent law abiding bikers will have nothing but support for the measure and similarly nothing to fear from it.

Sorry if that upsets some and like JJ I'm not tarring all bikers with the same brush but there cannot be one amongst us, drivers or bikers, who hasn't witnessed, time and time again antisocial, if not near suicidal behaviours by many bikers.

Speeding, mad overtaking, weaving in and out on motorways (remember bikes have no more right to undertake than car drivers) even pulling wheelies, the list goes on.

Mind you, that rather tasty dusky maiden in the video can pull me any time she likes [:$]

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No reason why motorcyclists should be able to evade the penalties for breaking the law.

A biker has just been sentenced to 15 month imprisonment and a three year driving ban for being clocked at 135mph in Wiltshire.  I 've also read elsewhere that the number of videos taken by the owners of speeding bikes and uploaded to You Tube is on the increase.

Politically, these people are doing themselves and the rest of the biking community no good and are handing it on a plate to the 'let's restrict all bikes to 100bhp' argument.




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I have no argument about 'levelling the playing field'; all speeders should be subject to the same rules. What grates is the mis-use of statistics, and we see it here again in this report, 79 fatalities (I think), but they tacitly attribute them to speeding; what about idiot car drivers who pull out in front of non-speeding bikes, for example, whilst using their mobile phones? Speed cameras won't reduce those statistics.

For every idiot biker there are at least 2 idiot car drivers (by virtue of the sheer ratio of cars to bikes). When I was a regular commuter in the UK some car drivers would deliberately aim their cars at me if I used 'their' lane of the road!

I could go on (and probably will... to my long suffering wife) but suffice to say the camera issue wouldn't worry me at all; fair's fair!


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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

You are trying to tell me that the only reason the wonderful British police are making money out of the motorist BB?


Not the police JJ, central government are the ones raking it in. You may or may not be aware that all proposed new siting of cameras in the UK has been stopped pending investigation.

Some eminent body, I forget who (try google), have reached a conclusion that the stated aim that cameras reduce accidents simply hasn't proved to be true.

More traffic police on the roads will reduce accidents, a point which virtually all the major motorcycling organisations in the UK have been lobbying government for, for some time..

I, like the other bikers who have commented on here, have no problem whatsoever with proper enforcement of speed limits and driving/riding standards. Anything that can be done to deal with both dangerous riding and driving always gets my vote.

I also agree totally with sids comments regarding the almost total lack of policing of idiot car drivers messing about with their 'gadgets' in their multi-airbagged safety cages to the expense and sometimes lethal danger of other road users.

I defy anyone on this forum to state that they have never taken their eyes or concentration off the road whilst messing with the CD player, Sat Nav or Mobile phone.

You probably have to actually ride a bike to fully understand the danger this represents.

"Think Bike"


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If central government are raking it in, then it's courtesy of those drivers/riders who can't control their vehicles/bikes sufficiently well enough to stay within the posted limit.  If you think about it, a learner driver has to stay within the speed limit in order to demonstrate sufficient competence to be granted a licence to drive.  If so-called 'experienced' drivers are unable to do the same, then they are fined and if they persist in failing to meet that standard, then their licences will be withdrawn.  Sounds reasonable?

I'm not altogether convinced that more traffic police will reduce accidents.  They are expensive to train and equip and there's a finite budget which will clearly limit their availablity and coverage.  Whilst the 'money grabbing' litany always surfaces in these sort of debates, I suspect the general concensus follows Bugbear's 'no problem with proper enforcement of speed limits' so perhaps it'd be cheaper and more effective to install blanket speed cameras to slow everyone down.  Such a general reduction in speed might help convert potential 'fatals' into 'seriously injured' - which is better than nothing..........


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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="Jonzjob"]

You are trying to tell me that the only reason the wonderful British police are making money out of the motorist BB?


You probably have to actually ride a bike to fully understand the danger this represents.

"Think Bike"



Does a BSA C11 count for that BB?  The reason that I drive a car now is because some dykehead put me in dock for 3 weeks because he didn't see me and turned across my path!

Yes I do know what it is like and that was a  L   O   N   G   time ago! When a bike comes up behind me in traffic I pull over as far as I can to let it pass. I almost always get a thankyou... That is almost always more than I get from a car driver!


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[quote user="Bugbear"]

All new camera locations in france are now rear-facing for the very same reason.



If this is true (and I have no reason to doubt it) then "leveling the paying field" for bikers, will create a mountain for speeding German drivers, where the picture has to show a clear shot of the person driving the vehicle as evidence of who commited the offence. 

Any picture presented to the German authorities, under the cross border agreements, that does not do this, is simply destroyed.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

Does a BSA C11 count for that BB?  The reason that I drive a car now is because some dykehead put me in dock for 3 weeks because he didn't see me and turned across my path!

Yes I do know what it is like and that was a  L   O   N   G   time ago! When a bike comes up behind me in traffic I pull over as far as I can to let it pass. I almost always get a thankyou... That is almost always more than I get from a car driver!



When I used to teach advanced riding in the UK (seems like a long time ago) we always taught on approaching junctions on your right, to make eye contact with the driver. That gave a reasonable insurance (then) that he had seen you.

The situation now is that they will look straight at you, and still pull out....[:@]

Current teaching now, on approach, is to be prepared to take evasive action and watch their front wheel for any sign of movement. This works, of course, whether you're in a car or on a bike.

To stand any chance of survival today you have to ride as if all other road users are out to kill you.

Sad, or what.

With all that said france is still a much more pleasant riding experience.


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[quote user="ErnieY"][quote user="Bugbear"]To stand any chance of survival today you have to ride as if all other road users are out to kill you.[/quote]Today [8-)]


You know what I mean Ern, you just keep pumping that oil...................[:P]

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    I do wish that people would not insinuate that the Police get the money from Cameras. I wish. The money goes straight to the Government via the 'Central Ticket Office'.

As a now retired Police Officer and Grade 1 Driver (allowed to go faster than 30mph) I was always taught to be more less always looking for exits if confronted with an idiot. If it meant go through a hedge, someones drive etc. then so be it. Just make sure there is no tree in the way. Best way of getting killed.

This all applies to bikes as well. Hedge and all. Might hurt but it it slows you down.

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