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My caravan is wider than my car and that's not a problem. It (the caravan) has white reflector markers at the front. I'm sure SD will be along shortly to quote the relevant rule from the 'code de la route'. Is your trailer registered? On second thoughts, that last question could be a red herring!


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Code de la route Art R313-20:

Toute remorque d'un véhicule à moteur à quatre roues, à l'exception de celle des quadricycles à moteur et des véhicules et appareils agricoles ou de travaux publics, doit être munie à l'avant de deux catadioptres non triangulaires de couleur blanche.



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I'm not aware of a French version of the UK Highway code, so I don't know whether the French code de la route is available in enlish.....

If you're puzzled by my reply, then it translates as:

Every trailer being towed by a four wheeled motor vehicle, with the exception of quadricycles, agricultural vehicles and public works vehicles, must be fitted at the front with two non-triangular white reflectors.


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