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why a lot of people with nice cars park at the far extremities of the supermarche carparks.

I witnessed today, whilst walking from the far extremities of the car park [:)] a nearly new Renault waiting patiently for a car to come out of a parking space only to be reversed into, at speed,  by a (no doubt) nice old lady in a beat-up Fiat. It completely demolished the two nearside doors of his car.

Sitting in the car her head was actually lower than the steering wheel and it was all she could do to actually get out of the vehicle..

The poor driver of the Renault was quite annoyed.....................[6]

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PARKING, PARKING, don't get me started. The best was a car parked half across two parking bays so nobody could get in. After an attempt to park and whilst I was calming down the owner of the car came out, jumped in and drove off. Problem was it was the driving instructor from the driving school opposite. To me it explains the poor quality of parking in France, I mean if the blinking driving instructor can't park properly what chance have the students. Perhaps parking should be a compulsory part of the French driving test.
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Taking up two bays is common practice to try and avoid door dings from neighbouring parked cars.

I always park at the far end of the supermarket carparks. It avoids the masses trawling around waiting to get a space, it means there is less chance of someone parking next to me and dinking my car with their door (or just crashing into it as they screw up parking) there are less people with handbags and kids with zips etc squeezing past my car to walk to the shop, avoiding scratches. I can load my car in peace without someone waiting to get my space, and assming its not lashing down with rain, the longer walk is hadly a hardship. The other plus side is that the edges of the carpark are often in he shade of trees or other buildings, so my car stays cooler.



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What I always wonder is why when I park away from all other cars in a car park (to avoid people having to park close and potentially opening doors against my car etc.), sometimes as much as 3 or 4 rows behind any other car, I come out of the shop and find someone has parked in a space next to me. What causes someone to think it is a good idea to park away from other cars, but right next to another? It always puzzles me, but happens regularly both in the UK and France.
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[quote user="andyps"]What I always wonder is why when I park away from all other cars in a car park (to avoid people having to park close and potentially opening doors against my car etc.), sometimes as much as 3 or 4 rows behind any other car, I come out of the shop and find someone has parked in a space next to me. What causes someone to think it is a good idea to park away from other cars, but right next to another? It always puzzles me, but happens regularly both in the UK and France.[/quote]

It's known as The Pathfinder Effect, it never fails when my wife and I walk into an empty restaurant.  Within 15 minutes they will be turning people away!

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Park in the middle of nowhere - Come back and there is a least one car parked tight against you..... I think French cars get lonely all on there own and need another car to cuddle up to while their owners are away at the shops/restaurant/wherever [:D]
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[quote user="Nell"]Park in the middle of nowhere - Come back and there is a least one car parked tight against you..... I think French cars get lonely all on there own and need another car to cuddle up to while their owners are away at the shops/restaurant/wherever [:D][/quote]

When we lived on our narrow boat we had the same thing. You find a nice spot out in the country with about a mile of moorings either side of you for a nice peaceful few days and along comes a boat and moors about 6ft away. Fortunately we had a good method of getting ride of them, we just ran out engine, in drive, for about 2 hours to "charge the batteries", they soon got the message.

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Normally when in my MG I try my best to avoid public car parks but on the occasions when I do have to park in them I try to find a quiet spot away from other cars as protection against careless door opening but usually also find that someone will come and park beside me, perhaps in the hope that some of my shine will magically transfer to their neglected and battle scarred jalopies !

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