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Scooter scams

Sunday Driver

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As you may know, it's currently possible to buy a second hand 50cc scooter without a carte grise.  That makes it it difficult to establish either the correct specification of the machine or the legal ownership.

It's recommended that you try to obtain sight of the original dealer invoice showing the specification of the machine as well as the seller's purchase receipt as proof of ownership.  It's also a good idea to get a written receipt along the following lines:

Nom et adresse du vendeur. Je soussigné............................. (nom du vendeur) vendre à ..................(nom de l'acheteur) un ......................... (indiquez la marque, le modèle et faire figurer toutes les informations caractérisant le modèle) au prix de ..............€. Cette somme a été réglée par un chèque tiré sur la Banque......... numéro ..........
Fait à ............... le ........................... Signature du vendeur.

Pay only by cheque and take a photocopy of the seller's identity card.

This is particularly important where the type of scooter you are buying also comes in larger engined versions, eg 80cc, 100cc, 125cc.  Many of these are being stolen and the number plates removed then sold on as 50's without the need to produce a carte grise.

Riding a larger engined bike without the necessary licence is an offence, so if you're pulled, then you'd be in trouble - even though you might not be aware you're doing it.  And if you have an accident, your insurance won't cover you.....



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