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Loss of Points on license


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Can anyone help me with a couple of questions please?

I recently lost 2 points on my french license and have just had the legal letter notifying me that I only have 4 points left. I have read the letter and am not clear about the period it takes to get my points back. It says that three years must pass to get your points back, but........

My first loss of points was over two years ago, so does this mean that I now have to wait three years to get all my points back, or will the other 6 points that I lost 2 years ago come back this year ??? I suppose what I am trying to ask (badly) is ; By having this latest infraction, does it mean that all my points are re-set to 3 years??? I hope not.

2nd question ; Has anyone any experience of going on the course to get points back, or any information? How much , what is involved, how long does it take, can I get back all 8 that I've lost?

Thanks in davance for anyone who can help me here.




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I knew that there would be one judgemental pillock who has no idea of the circumstances or the situation of the loss of points [:@] (I won't go there but 6 of the lost points were not me driving!). The other two were for a radar when I was going 105 in a dual carriageway that I thought was a 110 speed limit - Guilty as hell for that one I admit.

I would like to thank the others who replied directly to the actual question and it seems like the points are rolled back three years from the date of the last infraction. I have just enrolled on a two day stage de sensibilisation to recuperate 4 points at a cost of 250€ and have no gripes at all - in fact I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks very much for the (mainly) constructive and helpful replies !

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[quote user="Mutiara"]

I won't go there but 6 of the lost points were not me driving!


I have read what you've said there, but I really would like to know how you can lose points if you were not the driver.

Any chance of changing your mind on the background, please?

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The single form for speeding I have seen had I believe a space where you could fill in details of the named driver if you were not at the wheel.  Cannot check as I was trnslating the form for a friend. Heresay says you can even do this retrospectively  although they do not give you your license back until the process has been compeleted.


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[quote user="Mutiara"]it seems like the points are rolled back three years from the date of the last infraction.[/quote]Sorry, maybe me being thick (I have got the man flu), but I don't understand this.

If we forget for a moment Pierre's discrimination between date of offence/conviction and assume that in most instances they will be virtually concurrent then what you seem to be saying is that whilst you can incrementally lose points you cannot incrementally recover them but that it needs 3 clean years from the last conviction and any subsequent conviction resets the counter for all. Is that right ?

Tandem Pilot: How about if someone else was driving but you are unable to convince the Gendarmes of that, for instance ?

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Ernie Y - yes you are correct.

The law states that you need three clear years from the date of payment of the fine of the last offence so in the case of the OP, he/she will have to wait three years now until all points will be re-instated.

So for instance you could be days away from your threeyear deadline in getting you points back on you licence, and then lose it all for another three years if you commit an offence which requires the deduction of points. Seems a bit unfair to me ?

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[quote user="Mutiara"]

I knew that there would be one judgemental pillock who has no idea of the circumstances or the situation of the loss of points [:@] (I won't go there but 6 of the lost points were not me driving!). The other two were for a radar when I was going 105 in a dual carriageway that I thought was a 110 speed limit - Guilty as hell for that one I admit.


You may like to re-think the name calling as admitting that you have accepted points when you weren't actually driving (an offence in itself, i believe) suggests the the 'pillock' is closer to home.


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