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Loss of French licence = new test ?


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I was reading over some old threads to do with driving and diabetes and came across this comment from a long term, and still current, member:

"Changing your UK licence for a french does not mean you have to take a

driving test again in France. The only time this would apply is if you

are convicted and lose all your points and then you would have to start


I think a lot of people might be interested to know if this is true or not ?

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Not quite.

To recover your lost points:

  • If the offence leads to the loss of a single point, this point is reinstated 12 months later provided no other offence has been committed during the 12-month period.
  • If another offence is committed during that same 12-month period, you lose whatever points the new offence demands and your single point is not reinstated at the end of the period.
At that stage,

  • either you do not commit any offence during a 3-year period , at the end of which your full 12 points are re-instated

  • or

    you enrol for a course, which will help you recover up to 4 points, to

    the max limit of 12 points (if you have only lost 2 points, you cannot

    get 14 points by taking the course, you'll get back to the max of 12

    points). The course option is only available to the driver once every

    two years.

  • or you do not commit any offence for 10

    years and do not lose your licence during that period and your 12

    points will be re-instated, if they have not been re-instated already.

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Hmm, just got a copy of the CdR in English (the one produced by the Fehrenbach International Driving School) and it states:

"When you have no points left your licence it loses it's validity for all categories. After a period of 6 months in order to obtain a license you must take a medical and psychotechnical exam and then take the code test and the driving test again".

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Le permis de conduire, au terme d'un délai probatoire de 3 ans, est doté d'un capital de 12 points. 

Des infractions au code de la route commises par le titulaire du permis peuvent donner lieu à des retraits de points. 

Ces points peuvent être récupérés sous conditions, tant que le permis de conduire n'a pas été annulé. [/quote]

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Another example of the quality of information provided by this Fehrenbach International Driving School...

From page one of their website:

"French law requires foreigners to have a French driver's licence to drive in France if they are a resident for more than one year. Without this, they cannot be legally insured."


"But to be really confident to drive in France, our FRENCH HIGHWAY CODE BOOK will be very precious and helpful."




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Just to clarify the 'total loss of points' issue...

Code de la route Art L225-3:

I. - En cas de retrait de la totalité des points, l'intéressé reçoit de l'autorité administrative l'injonction de remettre son permis de conduire au préfet de son département de résidence et perd le droit de conduire un véhicule.
II. - Il ne peut « obtenir » un nouveau permis de conduire avant l'expiration d'un délai de six mois à compter de la date de remise de son permis au préfet et sous réserve d'être reconnu apte après un « un examen ou une analyse médical, clinique, biologique » et psychotechnique effectué à ses frais.
« Ce délai est porté à un an lorsqu'un nouveau retrait de la totalité des points intervient dans un délai de cinq ans suivant le précédent. »
III. - Le fait de refuser de se soumettre à l'injonction prévue au premier alinéa du présent article est puni de deux ans d'emprisonnement et de 4 500 euros d'amende.

No mention of having to take the code test and the driving test again....


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[quote user="Clair"]http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/


Le permis de conduire, au terme d'un délai probatoire de 3 ans, est doté d'un capital de 12 points. 

Des infractions au code de la route commises par le titulaire du permis peuvent donner lieu à des retraits de points. 

Ces points peuvent être récupérés sous conditions, tant que le permis de conduire n'a pas été annulé.

The driving licence, at the end d' 3 years a probatory time, is equipped d' a capital of 12 points.

Offences against the highway code made by the holder of the licence can give place to withdrawals of points.

These points can be recovered under conditions, as long as the driving licence n' was not cancelled.

Sorry, what is the relevance ?


[/quote]Unfortunately my French isn't up to wading throught http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/ [:$]

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[quote user="ErnieY"][quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Another example of the quality of information provided by this Fehrenbach International Driving School...

[/quote]To be fair it seems to be primarily aimed at the American fraternity for whom it is the case is it not ?


Yet it mentions EU citizens elsewhere on the site.  To avoid confusion of the sort we're currently discussing, it ought to differentiate between the two wherever appropriate...  


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  • 4 months later...
[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

"French law requires foreigners to have a French driver's licence to drive in France if they are a resident for more than one year. Without this, they cannot be legally insured."





I am mystified by this as we were stopped by the Gendarmes on a spot check recently & I asked the question about the licence. He told me that there was no reason to change our EU photocard licence even if we have been resident here for over a year. ( which we have)  Who is correct then?

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